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Hi Earl,

I had my right hip replaced with a metal on metal S&N BHR in Feb 2009. I have had nothing but problems with it starting a week after surgery to this very day.

First starting with clicking, then to squeaking and now grinding. I had the hip replaced when I was 26 (Im now 28) due to RA and was walking bone on bone. With the pain and problems from the BHR, I honestly felt better before I had it replaced.

I had a total hip replacement of my left hip March 2011 with a J&J ceramic on plastic and to this day that hip clicked only once and over all I have had no issues with it.

I had blood work done before the left hip was replaced and my ion levels are high but x-rays and MRI’s dont really show to much.

My surgeon says that a revision surgery may take away some of my mobility and being 28 he does not want to see that happen. I am at a loss, I have contacted 2 law firms this year and because I do not have a J&J implant they will not pick up my case. So what do I do…suffer?

My View: In reply to Bryan

Hi Bryan

The clicking and grinding suggests that a very poor job was done and the BHR is way out of alignment. The bloods indicate that the wear is producing metial ions and these will be destroying your bone and surrounding tissue, whether you feel it or not. It is only a matter of time. And the more damage that is done the harder it will be for the revision to succeed. That is the knock on effect. So because of your age they will want to minimise the number of operations but if you don’t get it out soon the damage from the high metal ions will be worse.

Like you I had S&N and there are no law firms taking on S&N at this time because not too many people have come forward.

So the best bet is to get a sympathetic surgeon who understands that normal BHR’s do not click and grind and produce high metal ions.

Your current surgeon is right to be cautious because of your age and the invasiveness of the revision – but I can tell you that getting my S&N out was the best thing I ever did and my range of movement is way better with the new Zimmer revision system ceramic on ceramic.

I would suggest that a second opinion is called for if you cannot get your current surgeon to understand the problems associated with metallosis and poorly positioned hip prosthesis.

If he is the surgeon that did the BHR then he may have his head in the sand and be trying to cover his own butt! Check if he is receiving “payments” from S&N – many surgeons get paid large sums by the orhtopaedic companies for promoting and using their products. This morally compromises them.

You sound like you will need to get a second opinion and some urgent action.


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