Birmingham Hip Resurfacing, Food & Drug Administration, hip, hip resurfacing, Magnetic resonance imaging, NephewSmith, New York City, Smith, Smith & Nephew, Smith and Nephew, surgery
I had Bilateral Hip Resurfacing done Feb. 2012 At H.S.S. NYC.
- Smith and Nephew Birmingham Hip Resurfacing implants.
- Starting having problems less than a year after surgery
- Pain and stiffness in hip joints.
- Had blood work done, Chromium and cobalt levels were high.
- Levels continued to increase and symptoms worsened along with other developing symptoms.
- Spoke to a revision surgeon who did a Mars MRI, findings were fluid and tissue damage in both hips.
- Had revision surgery on right hip 5/22/14, I`m scheduled for revision surgery on my left hip 9/2/14.
I will probably be cancelling second surgery due to the fact I will be out of sick time and will be without pay.
- Have been told by multiple law firms that they are not pursuing these cases at this time because of FDA PMA for these devices.
- I would love to join in any attempt that`s being made to fight this.
It would be so good if we could organize as a group and go after them…there has to be power in numbers!!!
It would be really good if we could organize as a group, there must be power in numbers!!
Been there, done that since 2007 (4 ops); got dumped by Joseph Lyon and Levin & Papantino because the FDA was o so careful in making sure it was safe, Now I eat crow. Pre-emption Contemption . . . a great loophole for a corrupted company.
I say call out the CEO of S&M(whoops)N for his negligence and corruption . . . easily proven. I say, call out his conspirators who work with him ruining thousands of lives (I’ve been bedridden for about 8 years). The crime of conspiracy=a group of people who conspire together to a certain profitable end. Use the media . . . lawyers fail us right and left . . . use the media. Let’s research the CEO, their board, primary stockholders, etc., and PUT THEM OUT THERE to be Properly scrutinized. This is non-violent action to correct horrific wrongs. Simply put, let’s put them in the public eye for TRUE justice and recompense. If you buy something and it breaks, duh, pay people back for your faulty implements. Come out come out wherever you are! (too many places to hide when you’re rich).
On Dec. 1 2014, it will have been 3 years since my last revision. Statute of limitations was suitably short (Dec. 1, 2013) so S&N is truly protected by a 2-yr window, whereas I am still healing from 2011. What’s wrong with this picture?
Cobalt shards and fluid spurting and a doctor who said I was all messed up, he wouldn’t treat me, hadn’t examined me. He said, “I’m not going to give you a cortisone shot. You’re all messed up. You’ve got fibromyalgia,” and walked away. That was when the fluid pouch was growing and growing and groin pain and met chards in the blood and in every organ.
Don’t matter to them . . . just rake in the dough from whoopee a plethora of hip replacements to be done!
As you read, I’m pretty high energized about this, reaching my end of tolerance for Western medicine and Big Pharma (bad karma). They shorten lives.
working for peace, it is as it is, be kind to yourself,
Hi Mickey…The S&N Birmingham Hip Resurfacing device was being used in the UK for years before it was approved here in the U.S. . I`m sure there is data that shows that people implanted with these devices also had these issues. If there`s not…it had to be a cover up. What are they saying….these problems only started happening with the U.S. patients. C`mon…that`s a joke. Why would the FDA allow this PMA loophole to exist, it`s creating the perfect storm. It was explained to me by a high profile lawyer that the PMA allows a manufacturer to piggyback their device through the approval process with a device that was already approved by the FDA. This allows the manufacturer to bring their device to the market much quicker and without having to provide all the data proving that the device is safe. This happens with medical devices, drugs etc. etc. This process saves the manufacturer millions of dollars. Then whey these devices and drugs start causing harm to american people the Supreme court rules in favor of the manufacturer and they get a free pass. This is the perfect climate for corruption to exist and thrive in. All at the expense of the poor people who have been harmed. Capitalism at its best. I love this country….But….when there is big business involved…..boy do people get screwed by the people running the show.
Im not real sure who posted the above comment. What type of device did you have implanted? You mention having to cancel revision surgery cuz of unaffordability? I had all those tests too. including Mars MRI. I havent been able to work since Dec 30 2013. After a long period of time and an attorney and court hearing i was approived for SSD! I had my hip replacement in 2012. November. Never been pain free since. OR walked straight! Took long time. but I finally found a Dr who was willing to do REVISION surgery! It was scheduled for AUG 1 2014. 2 days. Well i had been on medicaid! Was told my Medicaid ins is ineffective as of July 31, 2014. They didnt even wait till July 31! I been cancelled already! Now I have NOTHING! And cannot have my revision surgery which ive been pushing for since 2012. I was told I have to PURCHASE Obamacare insurance policy! Just because i finally qualified for SSD ( which is MY MONEY paid in over years of working) Not free money!) Now i cant have my revision! And ALL I WANTED was to GET MY HIP FIXED! And work again! KCUF this government!!!! Id be better off being an illegal coming in! OH and another thing, they KNOW im not a democrat.
sorry Ken. that is awful! What a disaster Obama has been for our country and particular health care. If you do get his affordable health care (HA!) it will be with an terrible surgeon and that is a big reason why I believe people are left in pain after a revision – the surgery was not done well. My husband and I paid out of pocket which was an expense we could not afford – I would have liked the surgeon who put the faulty metal on metal device (BHR) in me in 2008 to have paid for our expenses – not to mention “out of work” recuperation! yes, get down to the boarder, walk over, and get all expense paid everything! I hope you will get the device out asap because the metals in you are creating damage – even silently!
Hi, I too have had a BHR removed for similar reasons. I understand your stuggle and I am saddened when I hear more stories like mine. My question for you: Do you really think that “cancelling” your second revision is optional? I understand you have to work etc. I lost work and had to go on welfare for a time (single mom) because of my BHR. This is about your health, your longterm wellbeing. This device is poisoning you and you need to get it removed first and foremost; whatever it takes. God Bless, Katie Kingsley
Hi Katie….I should have said that I`m postponing my surgery. This will have to be revisited, its just that the timing is very bad right now. It seems that even though both hips are causing me problems the right hip was doing more damage than my left hip. Thanks for your comments and concern.