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Two BHR’s bite the dust – tip of the Iceberg – come clean Mr Smith & Nephew

This is a note from Philippa –

My husband has 2 of the birmingham hip resurfacings.

He had the 1st one done in sept 2009 and the other in november 2010.

He has very high levels of colbalt and chromiun in his blood. He has been suffering from funny heartbeats, poor eyesight, skin itching with a rash and is really tired all the time. He has had these symptons for ages now and has had 2 heart tracings done plus various blood test which have come back normal.

He has now been back to his consultant whio says he needs to have both these metal on metal hip joints removed and is going in hospital in the next 2 weeks to have revision on the left one as this is the worse out of the 2.

Well its not even 2 years that he had the left one done and he and i are really concerned bout the damage this may have done to the bone as he has a lot of fluid built up around both of them.

This is more common than they’re all letting on because we know 5 other people who have had the birmingham hip resurfacing and all of them have had revision or waiting to go in so this isn’t just the odd little failure like Smith and Nephew are trying to sweep under the carpet.

Oh and whats worse is he’s got two of these so looks like he will be taking half a year off and this will be if there is no damage or the recovery could be a lot longer.

Maybe Smith and Nephew would like to pay his mortgage because i don’t know how he’s going to.