BHR, Cobalt poisoning, Earl, Food & Drug Administration, Hip recall, Hip Replacement, Nephew, NephewSmith, science, Smith, Smith & Nephew, UNited States
Howard has been reading and its time for Smith & Nephew to admit the facts – not spin
In my reading of the BHR and McMinn and all the testimonials of people that have had the resurfacing device implanted there are all these immediate success stories, but what has happened to these people and their resurfacing today in 2012.
McMinn and Smith & Nephew keep leading the public to believe there is no problem with their metal on metal implant device. Guess what there appear to be far too many problems with their MOM resurfacing device.
Then there are percentages of success quoted 98%-92%, what do they base these success percentages on? What are the actual number of people involved and what is the source and why aren’t these sources verified ?
Probably because they can’t be.
The quotes of follow up information could be from a select handpicked group of young people. Younger people implanted will in all likely hood be more successful than seniors.
Why not sample of 50 BHR patients where used from 6 big orthopedic hospitals in the USA (not to forget our foreign friends) and then look at the number of revision surgeries on the BHR.
There in all likelihood, will be a different picture then the one presented to us from the principals involved with the BHR.
Face facts metal on metal hip devices can be hazardous to your health. This comparison of the BHR being much more successful than other devices may be true, however the metal on metal is the problem.
So BHR can’t discuss all the success stories and high degree of percentages they want, how about proving this data with actual real facts other than spurting out numbers that mean nothing more than show.
The FDA appears to have made one of the worse decisions in their existence, why don’t they own up to that and take care of the 1,000’s of innocent victims, unwitting lab rats, and take care of their mistake?
Now and prevent future damages that may occur from these MoM devices? The fDA has been requesting additional studies, information from the manufacturers for years and still these nightmare from hell devices are plaguing, hurting and destroying the lives of innocent folks.
Maybe Earl’s view should publish a list of all the victims of the bhr so people can see the hidden dark side.
[Note from Earl - if you search on the site for S&N or Smith & Nephew or BHR or Birmingham Hip Resurfacing - you will find them].
Just because the BHR may not have been implanted in as many people as the other devices the percentages of problems arising from the bhr are rising each day.
The settlements some of the MoM manufacturers are making with victims of their MoM hip devices is like paying a fine to these manufacturers. There has been nothing done once again to prevent this from happening again. It may cost 100’s of millions of dollars to these manufacturers, rest assure they still made huge profits.
Smith and Nephew is disappointed in their MoM hip division sales of late, but they are quoting a billion dollars in profit to their investors.
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- Smith & Nephew R3 Hip Liner Recall Lawyer – Hip Implant Lawsuit Attorney (earlsview.com)
- Smith & Nephew Hip Replacement Lawsuit Filed Over Failed Liner – AboutLawsuits.com (earlsview.com)
- Wright Medical Filed Petition to Block Smith & Nephews Metal Implant (earlsview.com)
- Smith And Nephew Hip Replacement Recall Lawsuit Attorney (earlsview.com)
- Smith & Nephew – BHR PMA – FIRST OF A KIND PMA – WHO PULLED WHAT STRINGS???? (earlsview.com)
- UK – S&N BHR HELL – Trevor (General Practitioner) Gets Rude Response from Smith & Nephew (earlsview.com)
- Cry from the Heart – Where is Mr Smith & his Nephew? (earlsview.com)
- Lee’s post Smith & Nephew BHR Problems Continue…. (earlsview.com)
- Attachments to Wright Medical’s request to Deny PMA to Smith & Nephew BHR (earlsview.com)
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You know Howard, I’m now of the opinion — and that’s all it is — that the statistics S&N quotes to emphasize the safety and success of their BHR MoM crap focus on older people. I say this because most of the people I know out here on the Left Coast who are in MoM hell, undergoing revisions (twice, in some cases) are younger. (I count myself in this category at 59). I feel it boils down to this: the more you use the thing, the more it ‘sheds’ toxic metal ions, and failure occurs earlier the more often it is used. People who have been athletes all of their lives, or those who still have significant musculature ‘exercise’ these pieces of junk much more than MoM recipients in a nursing home. My mother (recently deceased at 88) had no trouble at all with her MoM, because the only thing she did was play cards in the recreation room of her facility and drive two miles round-trip to the store, where she used an electric shopping cart.
They need to quantify their percentages of success according to recipients of different age groups, because there are many people who have these hips and rarely if ever walk around on them.
It’s as I told my doctor: use equals pain. I feel that success rate S&N clings to for cover is incredibly high because they count on that older demographic to bolster the number. What if two people in a nursing home have MoMs that hurt like hell but are senile, have Alzheimer’s or are otherwise unaware of what their hip is doing. How many people like that are there out there? How can they talk of their hip if they can’t even talk of themselves. If these bastards took a look at people under seventy or so the rate of failure on these BHR products would be much higher than as advertised.
Ah, a new slogan for Smith and his Nephew: Use it and lose it! Lay about, it’ll never wear out!
Yes – I reckon you are probably right – the more you use it, the more wear and tear. So older stats would help no end.
But as they say “you can’t get a pig to slaughter itself” so don’t hold your breath about S&N suddenly showing the real story to the world.
I suspect they will just quietly fade out and hope that no one brings a law suit against them that they cannot defend from behind the safe FDA PMA barrier.
What needs to happen is for them to be sued in countries where they haven’t got Government protection.
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