Australia, Birmingham, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing, Brunei, Canada, Chile, closing arguments, Dead pool, Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada, Malaysia, metal on metal., Pharmaceutical drug, Smith and Nephew, STUART CAIN
Stuart Cain‘s 4th Video on metal on metal hip damage.
Welcome to number 4 in our series of videos about faulty hip implants! Today in Australia the closing arguments have commenced in the case against Johnson and Johnson/Depuy and Smith and Nephew have through the TGA issued a conditional recall of their Birmingham Hip metal on metal implant. Please watch and share this video with as many people as possible to tell the world what these companies are capable of. #takeresponsibility #johnsonandjohnson #smithandnephew #MOMhips#hipreplacement #ASRhip #1.4billiondollarsettlement
Linda said:
Thank you for your videos! I have been posting updated information on my Facebook page, since the mom manufacturers seem to have done a very good job of keeping this out of the news. We patients have to do the publishing. I have had many illnesses since the hips were in for almost eleven years before I had actual hip pain. At that time I had already had cardiomyopathy, numerous “asthma” attacks, thyroid problems which continue today, digestive issues, and two lung failures!! I pray that there will be some restitution for all of us, but justice is slow. The first of five cases being heard in Texas went to J&J. Next hearing not until January 2016. I am 64, and since the respiratory failure, I live day to day treating symptoms. I have a frozen diaghram on one side, which wil need surgery. Andy left lung seems to have scar tissue. So, we all need to continue our fight. God bless you and your family. It’s a terrible thing these manufacturers did!!!!
Howard Sadwin said:
The FDA has rules that are in writing regarding the approval of PMA or 510K on devices. The FDA does not follow up on stipulations made by the FDA for approvals, resulting patients well being and life are at risk. Now look at what is happening the FDA is still gathering information, sounds like squirrels gathering nuts, they gather-gather-gather who knows what, but it is well passed the gathering state and time for the decision process. Due to bad decisions made by the FDA certain devices are impairing, destroying patients life’s by the 1000’s and still the FDA scours down to the
manufacturer. Laws have not changed one inch to protect patients as they were suppose to, patients are getting sicker and the FDA dilly-dallies around with the expense being the quality our life’s. Time to bring the gavel down on the manufacturers and deal with this unjust way of treating patients.
For an inventor, employee of a device manufacturer receive 99million pounds for his mom resurfacing device, 33 million pounds in the form of a bonus upon their device receiving PMA approval by the FDA and have the audacity to say no BIASED involved is utter and total bull sht, further more for the elected people voted into office do little to nothing about making these manufacturers accountable is a crime of a different nature.
Wake up America and Friends abroad and do something more than gathering information you have been gathering for years or better I should say not gathering as you were suppose to and doing nothing about making this right. The manufacturers are more to blame for not providing this data as per special stipulations in the approval of their devices. If any data is even supplied it has practically no information for the patient or anyone else. They even use 18-21 year old patients for the little studies they may do, this is cherry picking patients taking the healthiest.
I was under the impression such study patients were to be 21 or older. Bad enough no forms were ever signed acknowledging the patient was part of a study group. etc. etc .etc
When all said and done there is but one way a certain MOM resurfacing device was PMA approved and that is CORRUPTION. Look at the facts, the data, the information and it’s source provided to the FDA in one such approval and tell me (ALL) how this device ever received PMA approval ??????
Jill Cleggett said:
Top value for this Blog and their are ‘many’ original members that ‘are still quietly chipping away at the injustice, whilst still undergoing their own pain and suffering, and those that have used us, as guinea pigs in their quest for the almighty dollar.and dont get held accountable. We always remain in unity,and can help each other, by sharing. our up todate information that is permitted under legislation.This is as bad as any global disaster, as it effects so many.Oh for a decent nights sleep. For me the pain and spasms occur at night, after being on feet for too long, or injury from injury,that occurs with monotonous regularity when a once precision mover looses that ability forever.