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Patients take on hip firms – Health – The Star.

Patients take on hip firms

Hip removed: Lindsey Turner.

Hip removed: Lindsey Turner.

Published on Tuesday 17 July 2012 11:30

AT LEAST 40 patients in South Yorkshire are now taking legal action against the manufacturers of faulty hip joints, a Sheffield lawyer has said.

Surgeons have now stopped using ‘large head’ metal-on-metal hip replacements after fears were raised about toxins leaking into the bloodstream.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency recalled the joints last year, after fears they could cause bone and muscle problems, loss of mobility, nausea and long-term disability.

At least 165 patients in Sheffield are living with the problematic metal hip joints, as well as 181 patients in Rotherham and 164 in Chesterfield.

Lindsey Turner, aged 35, from North Anston, had her metal hip replacement removed last year after tests showed high levels of toxic chromium and cobalt in her blood.

Gary Walker, a product liability solicitor at Irwin Mitchell, is now acting for 34 South Yorkshire patients in an action against manufacturer De Puy International and six others who have joints manufactured by other companies.

Mr Walker said: “More than 10,000 people received this type of device, but we still don’t know the full extent as many problems may not yet have developed. Anyone who thinks they may be affected should contact their surgeon or GP.”

A DePuy spokesman said: “The potential reactions have been known and studied for years and the reported incidence of such adverse reactions is very low.”

[Earl's note to self - what planet is this spokesman on???]

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