BHR, BHR With Stem Orthopedic Surgery, Birmingham Spectron, Doctor of Philosophy, eBay, Hip Replacement, metallosis, Orthopedic surgery, Patient, Smith & Nephew, Smith and Nephew, surgery
To Recap:
My hip problems started in 1998 when I was training at the gym (many years had gone in before this event).
My personal trainer (Sue) had me doing lunges (barbell with weights on my shoulders) and you have one leg back and step forward with the other.
Well – I thought my thigh had exploded!!!
I didn’t realise that I had just dislocated my hip but being a strong dumb type, despite having a PhD, I thought it was just time for a rest and avoided that exercise for about 3 months while I waited for the hip/leg to feel better. How dumb in hindsight!
Anyway 10 years later and I had my Birmingham Spectron total hip replacement.
Today my right replaced hip is hell and the left one which needs replacing is keeping it company. MoM hip clicks a lot as I move around.
My wife says I am waddling like an old man – feels like it!
Put my golf clubs on eBay today – disgusted with my current situation!
Today I am a grumpy father of 3 !
Monday – off to see the Orthopaedic Surgeon and later on have an ultrasound guided hip aspiration – PROGRESS!!!
Technorati Tags: BHR, Birmingham Hip Replacement, Hip failure, Hip Pain, Hip Replacement, Hip Revision, Metal Hypersensitity, Metal Ions, Metal on Metal Hips, Metallosis, MoM hips, Smith & Nephew, Smith & Nephew BHR Problems
Related articles
- Options for Hip Replacements – different materials (earlsview.com)
- How Long Do Hip Replacements Last? (earlsview.com)
- Mr. Michael Solomon, Sydney Australia Surgeon Gives Advice on Hip Replacement (earlsview.com)
Good Evening,
A have read this with interest. I have followed the various articles published regarding the DePuy hip recalls. I personally had a Birmingham hip made by Smith and Nephew same as yourself. I have had same problems and complications as reported by patients who received DePuy implants.
I had my op in January 2006, I now have raised cobalt and chromium ions in my bloodstream, my pelvic bone behind the socket implant is paper thin and I have benign tumours around the joint mainly to the front. The pain is immense, I am on morphine in addition to various other drugs, I am currently on the waiting list for a conventional hip replacement as revision along with bone grafting in my pelvis. Today I have been told the growths are around my major blood vessels and my consultant (who has been brilliant) cannot carry out this surgery as it is too risky. I have been referred to a consultant at a different Hospital a lot further from home. The surgery carries huge risks. I am 43 years old.I don’t know what my survival chances are, I don’t know what the chances are of this being successful. I have spoken to Leigh & Day, they have said that not enough people have come forward yet to take group litigation, they have my details should that change. That doesn’t help me or my family now.
Some people will have no idea who made their problematic joint, many like myself, may be feeling they are alone, yet there are more of us than anyone would like us to believe. Research shows these joints aren’t good for young women, I found out friday that wearing jewelery can cause a reaction, yet this was never pointed out before. Its a bit late for me now!
Hi Tracey
that is so terrible to hear – there is a lot swept under the carpet by S&N – they must have connections!
I am appalled – was this the BHR resurfacing or was a it a total hip replacement – Birmingham Spectron, like mine?
I would be considering going to the Press with this story – this should not be happening – in fact you could sell this to a women’s magazine to pay for private surgery perhaps?
Hi Earl
I had a oBHR resurfacing in 2004 on my right hip. 5 months ago I had a total hip replacement on my left hip, the surgeon who did this op flagged up on seeing my Xrays that I had a problem with my right hip, I was referred back to the surgeon who did the resurfacing in 2004, I had a CT Scan and blood test, that showed I had that I had all these problems associated with the metal on metal hip, he has now replaced this with a total hip replacement, I am now recovering from two hip replacements in five months.these hips was done through the NHS but at a private hospital, at the horder centre Crowborough.
I Have contacted the MHRA who has logged this, but is saying that the fallure rate is acceptable , they have passed this to Smith & Nephew who is at the moment investigating it, but I feel sure this will be swept under the carpet.
I beleive that this should be bought to the attention of the Media, and that we should
get the same compensation as DePuy will most probably get
What can we do
Hi Brenda
I am not surprised – metal on metal is the problem. You are right, Smith & Nephew almost seems to have divine protection but their devices cause the same problems as J&J DePuy ASR’s – we should be compensated but at present the lawyers don’t see the same mileage in this as they do with DePuy.
I will publish your story as it further highlights the S&N issues which are definitely being swept under the carpet at present.
I am sure you must be feeling very sore and very annoyed at present – I am with two hip replacements on my right hip in 3 years – and waiting for my left hip to finally give up and be replaced too.
All the best and please keep in touch and seen through anything you would like published or views you may like to express to a wider audience.
Kind regards
I had a Birmingham Total hip replacement in Nov 1210 about six months later began having persistent low grade ‘groin’ and hip area discomfort which now seems to be the norm, and does appear to worsen with higher levels of hip activity. i had the procedure done in Tucson, AZ and live in WA with occasional trips to AZ. I would like to not wait until i have catastrophic failure symptoms which appear to often be a matter of time and some studies have shown severe damage can be relatively covert for some extended period of time. Is any one aware of where one can go for an objective and accurate evaluation and long term monitoring plan? I live in a small town near Seattle but it is clear my regional clinics are not equipped to do the specialized testing – or even appreciate the growing risk for MOM recipients regardless of manufacturer?
Any suggestions?
Also, forgot to include in my previous post. Is anyone aware of a list (s) of ongoing clinical studies recruiting MOM recipients or who is actively researching in the the area of Mental-on-Metal Total Hip Replacement device – other than Dr. Young-Min Kwan (Mass General) featured in the NYT articles?
I have had two replacement hips, metal on metal, and my cobalt levels are high. I am waiting ot see an orthaepedic surgeon but I have had problems for the last year or so. My knee is now swollen and I was told it was within the limits of the arthritus levels and did not need anything doing. I am in agony with this and cannot walk without being in terrible pain from my hips, back and knee, am I to assume this is normal? I don’t think so! I had my hips both done at Birmingham, the home of the Birmingham Hip, and had to pay for the first one because my GP said it was ok when infact it was in a terrible state and I had to have a 52mm cup and 46mm head fitted. My joints are made by JRI (the stem) and Comis Orthopaedics for one and Icon for the other. Are any of these covered by the recalled ones?
I sympathise greatly with averyone suffering because I know first hand how bad it is and if I have to have treatment and further surgery then I will want compensation because I was told these joints would last forever. I had a very good surgeon who pioneered the minimul invasive surgery so I don’t blame him but the manufacturers and their lack of testing for ion leakage and other problems that occur. Like other people I too have always felt the movement of the joint if in certain positions, like a clicking and was told by the hospital that this is normal.
I had the Birrmingham resurfacing to both hips with a gap of 5 months, in 2008. I was advised that the Smith & Nephew was the best product having been free of problems for 10 years.
I now have difficulty in walking any distance or standing for any time. I have undergone blood tests, as the questions of MoM hip replacements was raised by the Nuffield Hospital, in Bournemouth, to me. Tests by the NHS have shown that I have twice the limit of both Cobalt and Chromium in my blood, which my GP advises is damaging to the heart, A little concerning as I had 5 By-passes in 2000.
I am waiting for a consultant to see me and state that I will need both hips replaced with Ceramic, Needless to say I am being delayed in that consultation.
Once I have received the advice, I have placed my case in the hands of Attwood solicitors, who will be submitting a claim, on a ‘no win no fee’ basis.
I would agree that there seems to be a reluctance with regard to the Smith & Nephew company as they have seen the floodgates opening on the Depuy version.
Please keep me informed of any progress.