arthritis, Birmingham, Health, hip, Hip Replacement, Joint, Medicine, surgery
I have had two replacement hips, metal on metal, and my cobalt levels are high. I am waiting ot see an orthaepedic surgeon but I have had problems for the last year or so. My knee is now swollen and I was told it was within the limits of the arthritis levels and did not need anything doing. I am in agony with this and cannot walk without being in terrible pain from my hips, back and knee, am I to assume this is normal? I don’t think so!
I had my hips both done at Birmingham, the home of the Birmingham Hip, and had to pay for the first one because my GP said it was ok when infact it was in a terrible state and I had to have a 52mm cup and 46mm head fitted. My joints are made by JRI (the stem) and Comis Orthopaedics for one and Icon for the other. Are any of these covered by the recalled ones?
I sympathise greatly with averyone suffering because I know first hand how bad it is and if I have to have treatment and further surgery then I will want compensation because I was told these joints would last forever.
I had a very good surgeon who pioneered the minimal invasive surgery so I don’t blame him but the manufacturers and their lack of testing for ion leakage and other problems that occur. Like other people I too have always felt the movement of the joint if in certain positions, like a clicking and was told by the hospital that this is normal.
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