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Registry to record all breast implants.

Registry to record all breast implants

January 15, 2012

Recipients of breast implants will have their details recorded on a new national register.

Recipients of breast implants will have their details recorded on a new national register. Photo: Reuters

EVERY woman who has a breast implant will have her details recorded on a new national registry so that faulty devices can be detected early.

As the scandal over defective French-made PIP implants continues, the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons is preparing to record the information of every breast implant patient, the surgeon and the type of operation.

The registry, one of the first in the world, would act as an early-warning system for any future problems with implants. It would be similar to the National Joint Replacement Registry, which gets some government funding and quickly detected problems in Australia with DePuy hip replacements, now the subject of global litigation over their failure rate.

The society, the leading body representing plastic surgeons, wants the federal government to pay the estimated $2 million a year it will cost to run the registry, to keep it independent of implant manufacturers. It has asked for a meeting with federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek.

”Such a registry is not only in the best interest of patients in terms of safety and quality assurance; it would also enable rapid comparison of international data should a circumstance such as the recent PIP incident, occur again,” society president Dr Rod Cooter said.

Patients will have to make a special request if they don’t want to be included in the registry, which will start in October.

It will replace the existing voluntary system under which patients pay $25 to have their details recorded and is monitored by the society. Just over 44,000 implants are listed on the voluntary registry, but Dr Cooter said about 250,000 implants had been sold in Australia since 1992.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/registry-to-record-all-breast-implants-20120114-1q0q6.html#ixzz1jWdXkKUP

  • Registry to record all breast implants (smh.com.au)
  • Registry to record all breast implants (theage.com.au)
  • Breast implant scandal gets on my PIPs (mirror.co.uk)
  • PIP Breast Implants: ‘A Worrying Trend’, Warns National Accident Helpline (prweb.com)
  • Breast implant scandal: private surgeons ‘have an obligation to help women’ (telegraph.co.uk)
  • ASAPS Offers Guidelines for Patients with PIP Breast Implants (drgutowskiblog.wordpress.com)
  • ASPS Collaborates with FDA to Establish Breast Implant Registry (prweb.com)
  • Breast implant scandal: now women with Rofil M-implants ‘are at risk’ (telegraph.co.uk)
  • Despite Risks, Silicone Breast Implants Still Considered Safe (bellasugar.com)
  • Venezuela Offers Free Surgery To Women With Faulty French Breast Implants (huffingtonpost.com)
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