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Dual Pivot Hip | Hip Replacement, Total Hip Replacement | Total Joint Joint.

Dual Pivot Hip

Jan,13,2012 16:39 Filed in: Hip Replacement | Total Hip Replacement

I’ve mentioned metal on metal hips a few times in past posts, and as many people are aware, there has been a great deal of concern about the long term effects of this type of hip. While I am convinced that only a few of these designs are a problem, it’s important to understand the benefits and if there are any other ways to achieve the same results.


Recently, we have had great success using a dual pivot design for hip replacement. This design provides all the benefits of metal on metal – the large head and wear resistance – without an actual metal on metal surface. The dual pivot design employs a smaller ceramic head, embedded into a large plastic head that is placed into the same socket we used for metal on metal. The plastic is very thick and wear resistant and the dual pivoting surfaces should result in less wear over time.
For younger patients who have concerns about metal on metal and need the range of motion and durability, I think this represents a great option.


The Author:


Dr. Barry J. Waldman, MD, FAAOS

2700 Quarry Lake Dr.
Baltimore, Maryland, 21209

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