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Australian Orthopedic Association Notifies Hike in Hip and Knee Replacement Surgeries

Submitted by Ria Patelon Mon, 10/10/2011 – 12:59

Source: topnews.us

“The number of hip and knee replacement procedures undertaken each year continues to increase. In 2010, the number of procedures reported increased by 7.9% compared to 2009″, revealed a recent report compiled by Australian Orthopedic Association. In addition, the report has also notified a significant hike in the number of cases looking for hip and knee replacements more than 80,000 cases during 2010.

Further, the report has referred figures from the Australian Orthopedic Association suggesting 44,500 knee replacements as well as 36,000 hip replacements surgeries in 2010, almost 8% hike as compared to previous years. Private hospitals have credited to perform most of the surgeries along with no less than 68% knee replacement surgeries and more than 50% surgeries carried out for hip replacement.

While commenting on the findings, the President of AOA, Graham Mercer notified that last five years have witnessed number of surgeries, especially for adults aged 55 or less. In addition, the expert has marked unavailability of treatments as well as poor lifestyle as possible reason that has contributed enough to increase the number. Simultaneously, he had pinpointed the Therapeutic Goods Administration for its huge processing time.

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