Cobalt chrome, Cobalt poisoning, DePuy, DePuy ASR Hip, DePuy ASR™ Hip Resurfacing System, mood changes, Organized American orthopedics, Orthopedic surgery, tinnitus
Better late than never!
Organized American orthopedics has just recognized that a blood cobalt level of 10 mcg/Liter (same as 166 nmoles/Liter) and the development of symptoms consistent with cobaltism (poor sleep, mood changes, tinnitus, fatigue, weakness, tinnitus, deafness, visual changes, cardiomyopathy) is an indication have a metal-on-metal hip (stemmed or resurfacing) revised.
These guidelines are 4 years tardy but may improve the prospects of the million aware and unmonitored patients implanted with metal-on-metal hips.
Hopefully it will discourage surgeons from preforming any more hip resurfacings.
Click on this link to read the whole paper Risk stratification Algorithm MoM 2014
The age of miracles is not yet past, it seems!
Stephen S. Rodrigues said:
OMG, this is unbelievable that they would acquiesce, the data must be overwhelming! The struggles continues!!
earlstevens58 said:
Well, it seems it is a cold day in hell – must be that hell is located in the norther hemisphere and is subject to a polar vortex too!!!
Viki Penneman said:
Well, well, well- overwhelming data is no match for a physicians denial!
Jill Cleggett said:
So helpful for my final submissions for continuation of Tribunal on How/Why
Peer Review Assesor, got his ‘snapshot in time, so INCREDIBLY WRONG.
and echoes SOME of the bizarre additional Impairments I was left with, and still suffer
with. ALL unknown previously. Its about time, this enlightening information was made Public. another Thanks Earl for your research. I have documention backing up ALL
that you have relayed I this last post, and will come into final submissions as we speak.
earlstevens58 said:
They will only acknowledge what they want too. In many cases their arrogance knows no bounds.
Scott Abram said:
My original Orthopedic surgeon (as recently as May of 2013) kept minimizing the chromium and cobalt in my blood by stressing how these were “parts per million” and that “we ALL have traces of metal in our bodies”. Really now? I wonder how he might react upon discovering HE had traces of metal in his own body?
The efforts to cover up the MoM issues in my case are almost laughable…..as if I am a complete fool.
earlstevens58 said:
Unfortunately he is an ass-covering fool.
Connie McLaughlin-Miley said:
Thanks Earl!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Ron said:
earlstevens58 said:
Thanks – added to post!
Rick said:
This has now been confirmed by the hospital that did my operation.
The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (Birmingham England ) , all metal on metal total hip replacements have been withdrawn.
Now they have totally ignored my correspondence with them .?
Karen said:
So interesting…….well done again Earl !. What impact do you think this will have for those of us in Oz who have had MoM’s?
earlstevens58 said:
I hope it makes our case for redress better but I wouldn’t hold our collective breath!
Joleen Chambers said:
Thank you for posting this excellent news. I am so grateful to you and all the harmed patients for the pursuit of truth to prevent further harm of others. Now we must pursue continuing care and justice.
Andy said:
Hi there I recently contacted Earl as my very astute GP insisted I was tested for cobalt chromium after I had hand swelling and he wanted to test for rheumatoid arthritis and discovering I had an mom hip, said let’s do this. I have a BHR left and a ceramic on ceramic right. I also have cobalt levels of 809 nmol/L and chromium of more than 1300 nmol/L. Obscene levels really! Of course I am now facing a revision – no choice – the only option. I have vision changes and tingling in feet, hands and face – constantly. I have also had a heart issue which everyone seems to think is not connected. There is no denying that this is real. We all worry about the long term affects. Though I have ‘accepted’ my situation for what it is, I do not look forward to another hip replacement, though I have always had the best of care from excellent surgeons. My last hip, was a hard slog.
So to everyone facing similar issues, I feel for you and hope that we can all get some justice one day.
Connie M. said:
I am very sorry to hear this is happening to you Andy but not surprised because of the BHR. I was in the same boat a little over a year ago. The doctor that wrote this study is the GOOD, and HONORABLE , Dr. Kwon. He also has a video that you can (and should!) watch about “pseudo tumors”. They are also his discovery. This will help prepare you and give you more information on what you may have going on. He did my revision (and MANY, MANY others) at the Massachusetts General Hospital. When I asked him if they ever put in the BHR at the Mass General all he did was nod his head no (as if to say, “where not that stupid here!!”). I can tell you too, that had I gone back to the doctor who put my BHR in, I know that I would not be in the “place” that I am in today (walking!). It was a different hospital and the orthopedic surgeon there even wanted to give me some kind of “mini-hip” that again, had not been tested for long! It would even be worth a trip for you (or anyone else that needs a revision) to have this amazing doctor (or his team) do it. The other hospital that also has a great reputation and also never put in the BHR is Brigham and Woman’s Hospital. The sooner you get that piece of poison out of your body the better – I was told that many symptoms will go away (I SO think it’s affecting your heart!!).
All the BEST to you with the revision. I just did what the GOOD doctor told me to do after (which, by the way, I was part of his study! Glad I could be of help to all of us BHR victims!) and followed all his instructions for the best possible recovery.
Gayle said:
Well done Earl for finding this excellent and authoritative summary. It just confirms what we have all gone through and had they thought of asking us, the victims, they could have ascertained this earlier.
Earl I hope you don’t mind if I also post this on my website for others to read, spread the word so to speak. Many thanks
earlstevens58 said:
Thanks Gayle – Dr Steve Tower was the finder! Please spread the word!!!
Pingback: Elevated Cobalt Levels – Indicator for Revision | Earl's View
Pingback: Blood cobalt levels, device type may predict metal-on-metal hip failure | Orthopedics | Earl's View
Ann said:
Someone needs to get the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Minister and Deputy Minister for Health in Australia to read this blog.
There is something very wrong in Australia.
Read the pages for the Adept Modular at the TGA website.