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2014 will be a better year!

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone – now 6 years of good clean fun from two hip replacements and one non-replaced grumpy left hip!


What have I learned this year?

  1. Life is what you make it and anything that helps you look outside yourself is a good thing!
  2. All biological organisms suffer stress when pushed beyond their design limits or when you lose sight of some over-arching purpose.
  3. No purpose – no mojo!
  4. To be grateful for everything, especially the small things, as this attitude set the scene for life, love and enjoyment.
  5. That there is always someone worse off than you – mobility with pain is better than no mobility at all.
  6. You can raise you pain threshold by focusing on other things and others – if you are self-absorbed then the smallest thing becomes a major irritation – in your mind, not reality.
  7. Good people deserve good things – they may be a few years in the making but things do work out, even if it is not as you expect.
  8. You get what you need – you don’t always need what you get.
  9. Friends are like rare plants – hard to find, made to treasure and few and far between.
  10. Miracles can happen – just may not be the one you were hoping for.
  11. We are here to help each other – don’t ignore a cry for help.

Plenty of other things learned too but that’s enough from me – how about you?

I hope you all have a great New Year’s celebration and a fantastic 2014 – and whatever it brings we will be stronger and better for it!
