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Smith and Nephew Hip Replacement Newsletter.

Smith and Nephew

Motion to Consolidate

Levin Papantonio has filed a motion to consolidate all Smith and Nephew R3 and BHR metal-on-metal hip implants in the state court of Tennessee in Shelby County.

Smith and Nephew metal-on-metal hip implants are currently affecting thousands of patients suffering from severe side effects across the United States. These devices are failing at a rate much higher than expected, posing serious health problems.

Smith and Nephew continued to market these products in disregard to reports that showed metal-on-metal hip implants failing at a higher rate than metal on polyethylene hip implants and causing excessive cobalt and chromium ions being released into the body.


Read more here http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=9255428b29c9c8bc4f4468660&id=8bf878c77a&e=92a5d8d99e 

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