anxiety and depression, blood thinning medication, Cape Town, cape town south africa, Cobalt chrome, Cobalt poisoning, Hip Replacement, hip resurfacing, Johnson, May 2007, metal debris, NephewSmith, Prosthesis, Smith & Nephew, Smith and Nephew, South Africa
The following is a statement from Hilary Dingwall-Fordyce regarding the hip resurfacing she underwent in May 2007
In May of 2007 at the age of 55, I underwent a hip resurfacing procedure in the right hip with fitment of a Smith and Nephew BHR metal prosthesis at Claremont Surgical in Cape Town, South Africa. I had extensive and expensive rehabilitation and physiotherapy however I never fully recovered and have suffered endless problems as follow:
• In 2008, my leg became swollen and the doctor fearing a thrombosis injected me with blood thinning medication. I had a CAT scan which showed a bursar in the hip area which was collapsing the main vein – I then had a procedure to remove the liquid from the bursar but one week later the swelling returned. I was advised to see a vascular surgeon who admitted me to hospital and inserted 2 stents, the first one collapsing under pressure from the bursar.
• In 2009 my leg again became swollen another scan showed the bursar had become tumerous and was pushing the vascular bundle against my pelvic bone and the stent had collapsed. I was admitted to hospital where both orthopaedic and vascular surgeons operated – the stent being repaired and the tumerous mass being removed and the area around the prosthesis cleaned of debris. The tissue was found to contain metal debris and I was found to be suffering from metallosis and an infection around the prosthesis. I was put on a course of strong antibiotics to which I had a severe allergic reaction. I was told no further operation on my hip was possible until this infection was cleared. Since I can no longer afford the operation anyway I have not returned.
• From 2008, I was suffering from acute anxiety and depression which required hospitalisation and medication for several years.
• My one leg now being shorter than the other I have had stability and balance problems – unable to walk any distance because of pain and discomfort. I believe this instability also contributed to a fall in 2010 and a second fall in 2011 – this time breaking my ankle.
• Lately I have noticed a marked deterioration in my sight as well as short term memory lapses and confusion with time lines.
I had no idea that all my problems mentioned above must clearly stem from the BHR metal prosthesis in my body, until reading an article in a magazine.
I would like to point out that besides the pain, discomfort and constant worry about what would happen next to my hip and the constant reminder because of the “clunk-clunk” when I move in certain ways, the time and the expense has taken its toll and today I have been unable to find a job and have neither pension nor savings nor medical aid as I am effectively destitute all being used to pay for the endless medical bills since my hip replacement. I am now relying on my son for a living and am currently homeless, moving between various friends.
I approached a firm in South Africa who are involved in a class action against Du Puy. They agreed to add me to the action as I did not realise there were a number of manufacturers of these prostheses – however on investigation they discovered I was not fitted with a Dupuy prosthesis but a Smith and Nephew “Birmingham” prosthesis. I subsequently went on line to find out what was being done to assist people who are suffering from the failure and after effects of this prosthesis in a case against this manufacturer as is being conducted against Du Puy and Johnson and Johnson. I don’t see any cases being handled in South Africa and would like to ask your advice as to my next steps.
Related articles
- Smith and Nephew Hip Replacement LawyersSmith and Nephew Hip Replacement Lawyers (earlsview.com)
- Hanna’s Story – another Smith & Nephew BHR tale of disaster (earlsview.com)
- Reasons to Choose the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Procedure (arthritis.answers.com)
- Risks, Benefits and Recovery From Birmingham Hip Procedures (arthritis.answers.com)
- Smith and Nephew: Motion to Consolidate | Smith and Nephew Hip Replacement LawyersSmith and Nephew Hip Replacement Lawyers (earlsview.com)
- Daily Maintenance of Breast Prosthesis (breastcancer.answers.com)
- Why Smith and Nephew Could be Culpable in the Courts (smithnephewhip.wordpress.com)
- Smith and Nephew Hip Replacement Newsletter (earlsview.com)
- Avascular Treatment: Preventing Further Bone Loss (arthritis.answers.com)
So sorry to hear you’re going through this. You really need to have that hip removed due to the dangers from Metallosis.
Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any recourse for us Smith and Nephew victims. I saw a glimmer of hope for a little while but that’s gone in my opinion. I’ve lost faith in Lawyers. It seems that none of them have the courage or integrity to take on Smith and Nephew. They are not prepared to fight for us when there’s no guarantee that they will make money out of it.
You need to focus on getting that toxic, bad hip removed/replaced at the moment. Good luck, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and all of us.
Please add your information to the website for Consumers Union Safe Patient Project and ProPublica Facebook Patient Harm Community. Although these are U.S. organizations, they are helping to track patient harm from implanted medical devices. It is clear that patient harm must be prevented because the devastating cascade of harm cannot be corrected after unsuspecting patients lose their health, job, home, relationships and trust in the broken medical and justice system. The public needs to be made aware of the shared dangers and costs of intentional, for-profit, preventable patient harm.
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.