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Health Canada Recommends Patients to Be Careful About Metal-On-Metal Hips | French Tribune.

Health Canada Recommends Patients to Be Careful About Metal-On-Metal Hips

In the wake of woes of patients who have metal-on-metal hip implants, Health Canada has sent word of advice for such patients so that they can easily manage such device. There have been reports heard in which, it was reported that makers have actually called back their devices after some problem was reported in them.

Not even this, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration had called for safety tests to be done on such devices so that patients are ensured about the long term safety. It was further told that patients with faulty devices are more likely to feel pain in the groin, hip or leg, swelling at or near the hip joint, and even they can limp or might encounter change in their walking ability.

Nonetheless, those who are obese are more vulnerable to face such cases, and between men and women, women were found to be at an escalated risk of devices failure. It has become all the more imperative that those who are well trained to do such operations take on such work else patients could be made to face unwarranted risk.

There is need for one and all to understand the severity of the devices and must take rational decisions before going for such operations.

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