In 2009 I was 53 years old and found out I needed my right hip replaced. I decided to have the BHR because the doctor told me it was perfect for me as it would last 30 years and I would be able to continue my active lifestyle with no changes after a 6 week recovery.
I was fine for almost 3 years. In June of 2012 I started experiencing a lot of pain and trouble walking. In Sept I went to my surgeon who “just hated to tell me” but my stem had come loose and was moving around. He told me I had 2 weeks to get a revision. When I asked how that could have happened he told me that “they just didn’t know”.
That was my first revision, where the Dr. just replaced the stem. He also made my leg 1″ longer than it had been. I had constant pain for months and was having a very difficult time with my back because of the added leg length. I called him several times to ask him if this pain was normal and he kept telling me I wasn’t exercising enough and that I just had to get used to my longer leg. He never looked at me once after the day of the surgery, I saw his assistant for follow up visits. Also, this is the doctor that is supposed to be “the expert” in BHR. Trained in the UK and brought the procedure to the US.
In March 2013 I started to hear about problems with the MOM implants. I called my Dr. and when I asked, much to my surprise, he told me my implant was MOM. I was shocked because my surgery was so long after the problems they had known about. I asked if I needed my blood checked for metal Ions but he told me they only checked patients that were symptomatic and not to worry, I was fine. I also told him that I was still experiencing a lot of pain. Once again he told me I was not exercising enough and that it would probably take longer to heal because it was the second time.
I was done with him after that conversation.
I went for a second opinion…
This doctor told me that I had the MOM implant which he hadn’t used in years because of so many problems. Then he told me that my stem had moved and was loose and that I needed to have my blood checked for metal. A few days later he called to tell me my cobalt level was 2.2. He said because of that and the loose stem, I would need revision surgery again and the entire implant needed to be replaced.
With my doctor bills, which have been ridiculous, and all of the work I missed, it has been financially devastating. Plus I have been extremely depressed since the day the doctor told me I needed yet another revision.
I had the second revision Jan. 2014. I had a fracture where the cup was removed and also 2 large screws had to be used because there was so little bone left. (I’m a small person). This new doctor also made my leg shorter because he said the first doctor had made it too long. I’m also still having trouble with my back and walking in general. (My leg is yet a different length than it was originally). I’m still going to physical therapy but it has been very slow going.
I talked to an attorney right away in January about a malpractice lawsuit. I was just told that there is nothing he can do. Their is no proof the first doctor did anything wrong. I just don’t understand and I’m devastated! I have tried numerous attorneys to file a lawsuit against Smith & Nephew but, like everyone else, I’ve been told that’s not possible… The FDA is protecting them.
I also had to have my thyroid removed in July 2013. Who knows if that had anything to do with the MOM.
I am beside myself over all of this and yet I know ther are many others who have had it so much worse. Physically, financially and emotionally it has been really difficult and it is so unfair. I just hope and pray that they do something soon about Smith & Nephew before the statute of limitations is up for all of us.
I hope all turns out well for all of you that are suffering with so many serious issues!
Please let me know if you here news in regard to any of this. I have learned so much from this site and I really appreciate that!
Thanks for listening! It really helps to tell my story to people that understand the situation.
T. Sisler said:
I had the bhr back in January of 2011 2013 I started having pain in my pelvic several doctors visits later after doing blood work I had elevated cobalt chromium levels. September 2 2014 I had a full revision on the left leg that failed. Recovery has been slow and painful. I’ve been doing my research and over the period of time off work which is 3 months now and won’t return till sometime next year I’ve contacted over 40 lawyers and have been told the same thing about the FDA problem.
I’m scared because my right leg has the same exact implant as the 1st same part# out of the same part bin done 11 months later. So sometime this next year will this one fail too. I hardly sleep because of this situation I have been put into. This implant was suppose to last 10 to 15 years and failed after 3. Seems there should be somewhere online where we can gather and catalog all of our contact info and somehow go after these assholes together as one group. There’s gotta be more people out there.
earlstevens58 said:
There are a lot of us with S&N problems – quite a few talk regularly on our Facebook page – you might like to join. I’ll send you an invite.
T. Sisler said:
Thank you earl I received the invite.
dianne harvey said:
Cheryl, and T. Sisler – please take heed of Earl Stevens invite to join the THR News f/b site. It is not going to improve your health, but mentally, it will help you through your crises. I am an Australian BHR MoM “victim” and if you join this site you will see what we are trying desperately to achieve in Australia, and, that is, to get someone to listen to us – we all give advice and post whatever medical articles/journals etc. we find. It is like one big family – worldwide – you can share all your emotions – anger/frustration your pain your fear, grief, whatever. We may not all be “bodily fit” but I think we all have big shoulders. Look forward to chatting to you both again. From “Down-Under” with thoughts & best wishes…Di Harvey x
Connie Marotta said:
That is just awful, Cheryl. I have a feeling I know the doctor you are talking about! I also wondered why he wasn’t responsible – it sure sounds like it (I talked to a lawyer too about the doctors behavior and lack of information). When I think of his name I cringe!
Howard Sadwin said:
Good for you telling your story, makes you feel a little better, however what is necessary is for every BHR patients to speak up should they be experiencing this devastating disastrous problem due to metal on metal hips.
You aren’t alone.
No manufacturer knew what would happen long term by using metal on metal hips.
There are many folks that are fortunate enough to have success with these implants.
However the failure rate exceeds the 1% standard set by Smith & Nephew considerably including the R3 implant. The R3 was approved by the FDA under the
510k program, where as the BHR was approved through the MUCH STRICTER REQUIREMENTS of the FDA under the PMA or pre marketing approving.
Once a device receives PMA status it is law, in other words only Congress or
the FDA can change or challenge the BHR’s PMA.
There is much more to this comment for know
MAUDE (FDA) reflects over 500 adverse complaints registered by patients regarding the BHR and that is but a fraction of the total numbers of actual injured patients.
Feel better believe in yourself and never-never quit.