For those who have followed Howard’s epic battle post-BHR, you will be saddened to hear he is back in the wars again.
Here is a note he sent from his hospital bed today.
Been tougher trip than I anticipated that’s why you haven’t heard from me.
My TKR was put on hold due to infections in my both hip areas.
The Ball and stem that was removed were the BHR replacements.
My surgeon was concerned of infection spreading so he removed- replaced and cleaned out old BHR nightmare.
Thought we were on right path so I went home to get well.
That didn’t last long as I started developing those low grade fevers and just didn’t feel good.
A wet MRI showed infection in both hip muscles.
Back in hospital IV antibiotics etc etc seemed stable enough to go home after another 6 days in hospital.
Today July 11-12 after my 3rd DR appointment I said to Nancy didn’t feel good. Got home and Nancy took my temperature and it was 102.4 + So tonight I’m laying in my hospital bed again hooked up to more IV and other good chemicals trying to rid myself of this ????
Next week DR may be taking 18 year old plastic hip out ??
Just a big cluster f**k.
Thank you BHR.
Howard, so sorry to hear this. I hope you feel better soon! I’ll be praying for you.
Oh No Howard, I’m so saddened to hear this, praying it gets under control quickly…..
Sorry to hear this Howard. Keep the fight going, don’t et them win now.
Oh so sorry to hear Howard! All because of Smith and Nephew’s godawful device – can’t believe what people are going through. Hope this nightmare gets over for you fast.
Hello Howard hoping you can find that inner strength to get through all this. Such a shocking predicament. I am waiting on getting the all clear for a pelvic infection from March so I can go ahead with my BHR revision which I had to cancel in May. Get a bit scared hearing stories like yours. But, have to remain hopeful, hope you can find that glimmer of hope too, but realise your journey has been so much more challenging. Will keep you in my thoughts.
Best regards Andy
My heart just aches for Howard…. He’s been to hell and back! It also aches for the many others who suffer alone sometimes in silence. For some time now we’ve read about his ups and downs and I have to say, between his doctors and the manufacturers of these inferior products, his quality of life is not at all what it should be. This being said, I think there’s enough blame to go around for what has happened to Howard and they should own up to it, take responsibility for it and allow him vast compensation for their inability to put human suffering before the almighty dollar! SHAME ON THEM HE’S GOT TO GOT THROUGH THIS STILL!!! And I’ll add here for all the others who are not so high a profile as Howard.
Earl, what you are doing here by bringing all the information you can into one space is a gift for others It’s in everyone’s best interest who is facing the challenge of hip replacement to seek out proper care, proper appliances, and doctors who are willing to perform the necessary procedures. I understand Australia has a different policy for medical practice, but this should never have happened to even one of it’s citizens let alone the many hundreds or thousands across the planet who have suffered needlessly.
I’m paying very close attention to these post of yours as I am now facing yet another hip replacement. My doc has assured me he will again use the ceramic hip like he did for the right one. I asked his opinion on the metal on metal. He stated that even in medical school he felt that was not a good option. He said he’s never used the metal on metal in his practice because of the recidivism rate. He likes to have happy, productive, active patients. THAT’S what he feels is good doctoring and that’s what makes his practice grow. The idea some docs have that it’s far better to have repeat patients than to seek out more that are in need of the right kind of instrumentation is, from a purely business standpoint, NOT good business! He, my doc, nor I, can ever wrap our heads around that point of view. I love the forward thinking my doc has with his, “If there’s something out there that’s better than anything else, then learn how to use it well, so it serves many” attitude. I’m putting my hip surgery off for a while but I know what kind of hip I want and who I will go to to get it implanted.
God’s speed for a full recovery for Howard. Prayers to him and his family.
all my best, from across the pond,
Hang in the Howard, wishing the best for you
Im so sorry! I understand what your going through Howard. Im scheduled to have hip revision surgery August 1. But til then i too have problems. Infections. I went to hospital 6 days in a row for IV antibiotics. (outpatient). Keep us all informed. God help you!
oh my gosh my Husband is going thru this as we speak..with both hips one metal on metal..S&N..BHR.. the other pinnapple with plastic..soooo sad..what theses people and companies have done to there patients…our love ones….I want to scream at times for y husband and everyone else….involved…I Pray every second he can be compatsided for all they have put him thru..and contuine to be for a long time…Earl/ Mary