Woman awarded €700,000 damages over hip implant
High Court award is first made by a judge in a case over DePuy products
The case ran for 10 days in the High Court and is the first to go to judgment as others have settled before the court. As a result, the award is the first made by a judge in a case over DePuy hip implants
A mother of three who sued hip replacement implant manufacturer DePuy International has been awarded more than €700,000 damages by the High Court
While Gillian O’Sullivan’s injuries were “clearly not catastrophic”, they were “undoubtedly severe” and caused major disruption to her life, Mr Justice Kevin Cross found.
The injury resulted in serious continuing pain and ongoing permanent medical attention, he said.
Ms O’Sullivan’s injuries were far more severe than any other person whose case had opened before him in relation to DePuy hip replacement implants, he added.
The case ran for 10 days in the High Court and is the first to go to judgment as others have settled before the court. As a result, the award is the first made by a judge in a case over DePuy hip implants.
In her action, Ms O’Sullivan (52), of Tramore, Waterford, sued DePuy International Ltd claiming damages for negligence, breach of duty and liability for a defective product.
The claims were denied but, last October, DePuy said it did not require Ms O’Sullivan to establish the DePuy product supplied to her was defective and the case went ahead as an assessment of damages only without any admission of liability.
Full article source: http://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/courts/high-court/woman-awarded-700-000-damages-over-hip-implant-1.2886875
I wish someone in the United States would help me – I have a mixed componets hip and found out the revision surgery is the same way- now I am back where I started hurt – can’t walk and in so much pain – But no attorney will do anything to help me – can anyone advise me as to legal help I am so fed up living like this