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New research uses stem cells as possible treatment for arthritis | CTVNews.

New research uses stem cells as possible treatment for arthritis

Canada AM: Stem cells may end implants

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Nizar Mahomed explains how new stem cell research could offer relief for arthritis patients. Dr. Nizar Mahomed speaks to CTV‘s Canada AM about new research that explores using stem cells to treat arthritis on Friday, Aug. 17, 2012.

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Published Friday, Aug. 17, 2012 8:36AM EDT

A Toronto research team hopes to make hip and knee replacements a thing of the past as it explores the growth of new human cartilage using stem cells.

With an estimated four million Canadians suffering from arthritis, and that number expected to grow to seven million by 2031, doctors are hoping to use the stem cells to treat the deterioration of cartilage in joints. “Although hip and knee…

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