chromium levels, Cobalt, Cobalt chrome, Cobalt poisoning, Metal on metal hip, metallosis, Orthopedic surgery, Total Hip Replacement
I had a mag. biomed hip replacement in 2005 while I was still teaching. I went back to work and was none the wiser about the problems of M o M replacements for eight years!!
It was only after a really bad fall on ice – after which I couldn’t walk – that I discovered I had cobalt and chromium problems.
I returned to the surgeon who performed the op. to seek his help with the injury.
When he took a blood sample I was baffled but he then explained to me that many people had high levels of cobalt and chromium. Ever the optimist, I said to him that I probably wasn’t affected too badly.
The following week, I found out that my cobalt and chromium levels were very high.
This surgeon advised me to have regular blood tests and live with the cobalt rather than risk another op.
Since moving away from London, I have seen a new surgeon who is advising a revision asap. He tells me that the original surgeon put the large MoM in at the wrong angle.
Could this possibly be the reason the first surgeon didn’t want me to have a revision, in case this was found out?
Anyway, I am off to see the new surgeon tomorrow prior to being admitted for revision surgery. I am so pleased to read of so many people on this site who have had the revision done successfully. I have had no real outward symptoms as a result of the cobalt.
However, in the last eighteen months the vision in my left eye has deteriorated. It was excellent previously. I have found out that I have had a crossed vein occlusion behind the left eye and that fluid is building up. I’ve now got to go to have an injection in my eye. The ophthalmic doctor said the cause is unknown, but I’m wondering if it could be the effects of the cobalt?
What I would like to know is: did the cobalt in my case start leaking from day 1 or did it happen after the fall I had?
Best wishes to everyone and thanks for this site,
Hi Marion, sorry to read all this, but it’s a familiar story sadly. Just because someone doesn’t have symptoms of cobalt and chromium poisoning ( metalosis ) it doesn’t mean damage isn’t already happening.Often a surgeon won’t know the extent of damage until he gets inside to take a look.
Visual disturbances are very common with the MOM hips , you aren’t alone in that departments.I am glad you have a new surgeon that is up to date with these issues. Keep in touch and good luck with your revision,.,
Hi Marion
Sorry to hear of your story but it sounds familiar. I have just had a successful revision 10 weeks ago and I wish you well with yours. I had a very severe attack of pain from my hip which was resurfaced 11 years ago, several months ago which resulted in me contacting my surgeon. This resulted in having the chromium cobalt blood test which showed extremely high levels. I am now hoping that this will have no lasting effects now that the old hip has gone.
Hi, Marion my name is Di Harvey from country Victoria, Australia – so sorry to read about your problems. There has been a massive cover-up the world over, in relation to MOM hips, and when they fail, the many health issues that result from the toxic C/C poisoning. If you are not already a member, I suggest you join the facebook site – Total Hip Replacement News – this site was set-up by Earl Stevens – we chat to each other, discuss all our medical issues and frustrations, and generally help each other enormously We share any information that might be relevant to all of this. There are many other MOM “victims” in the UK – so if you join this f/b you might be able to gather a lot more information from them. Take care…Regards… Di
Very sorry to hear about … the same thing that happened to most of us, Marion! It obviously started way before your fall, and perhaps the fall was a blessing in disguise as to find out your high levels of metals! My surgeon said 30% of his patients have no pain (silent killer!) but there is definately damage going on inside our bodies. My eyes had nerve damage and it stopped after I got the poison device out. I think it is good that the new surgeon wants to get your revision done asap. All the best to you!