Birmingham Hip Resurfacing, buttock pain, Cortisone, cortisone injection, cortisone injections, General practitioner, Hip Pain, leg pain, Nephew Smith, pain, Smith, surgeon, surgery, X-ray computed tomography
I had a Birmingham Hip Resurfacing in 2004, I was 45 years old, weighed 51kg. Except for osteoarthritis I was a healthy female.
I went from hip pain pre surgery to back pain, hip pain, leg pain and numbness, burning sensation in my operated hip, not being able to sit for more than a few minutes, as I had buttock pain. I also have stomach problems, memory loss and am light headed at times.
I lost 10 kg in a few months post-surgery.
When I went back to the surgeon all he said after an X- ray was that the implant was perfectly aligned and that was it. He believed it was a success and I am sure this would have been passed onto our Australian watchdog the TGA. How accurate are the statistics on success rate if they are based on surgeons input. I did send the surgeon an email 6 months after surgery and he did phone me and all he said was it may take some time for things to settle.
In nearly 10 years I have never been asked to come back to the surgeon as a follow up or been offered to have blood tests. I was also never told that the BHR is not suitable for small framed females and suspect the surgeon at the time was also not aware of this which is a failing on behalf of Smith & Nephew.
Over the years I have had bone scans, X-rays, physio, acupuncture, cortisone injections. I have visited sports doctors, my GP and other specialists without much success. In 2011 when the J&J recall took place I went to another surgeon, who sent me for X-rays, ultrasound for another cortisone injection and blood tests. My metal levels were a little high, the cortisone injection did not work and the surgeon said the implant was perfectly aligned . Out of frustration I did not pursue it any further.
Recently my symptoms have I become worse so I have rescheduled another visit to the surgeon I saw in 2011 and have recently had a CT scan another x-ray and blood tests.
Stephen S. Rodrigues said:
“I went from hip pain pre surgery to back pain, hip pain, leg pain and numbness, burning sensation in my operated hip, not being able to sit for more than a few minutes, as I had buttock pain. I also have stomach problems, memory loss and am light headed at times.”
I’m sorry of your situation, but there is hope.
This list of symptoms are indicative of a complex myofascial pain syndrome. Important, there are not test to confirm or refute the syndrome, so I would suggest you began to use all of the alternatives pain care options with a veracity and intent of a part-time job. This issues surrounding MF pain is that it is invisible and the only person who knows you have it is you because you feel the pain to the bone.
This group of diseases are totally invisible to technology and act like many other illnesses like an evil chameleon masquerading without evidence. A lot of the clues can also be discounted because, “they are just in your head, because all the labs and scans are negative.”
I contend that if the pain was “in the joint” (which is not there anymore) something else is wreaking havoc that is associated with the joint and that is all the supporting structures — muscles mostly.
The 2 situations I fear the most are that time will allow this mysterious pain to grow deeper into the flesh thus affecting the soul and once seeded the pain will not “just go away” all by itself.
Some consistent clues that are related to having this mysterious pain are;
The pain levels are beyond belief.
The exact diagnosis is not easily pinned down.
The standard treatments do not restore.
Having other pain areas besides the standard projection of pain.
Tension and pain in the face, jaw, scalp, ear, neck and shoulders.
Tension and pain in the cervical or lumbar spine.
Broken regulators of breathing, heart functions, endocrine and hormonal.
Muscle spasms/Restless legs.
Insomnia or sleep disturbances and awaking very tired.
Low energy, stamina and low motivation.
Poor concentration and work productivity.
Frustration, Agitation and fear.
I hope this helps clarify or open up new avenues of thought.
mickey morgan said:
With respect to Mr. Rodrigues’ perspective and fine writing, I’ll tell you my grisly experience. First of all, get those S&N resurfacings out of you. If you are feeling groin pain, that is a growing thick-skinned pouch of cobalt metal shards floating in a yellow fluid (that squirted out at my orthopaedist at my 4th hip replacement). My cobalt is high. You MUST insist that your orthopaedist or primary care doctor order you chelations (treatments to rid the blood of toxic metals). This cobalt comes from the knock-about S&N resurfacings we both got (hips go clunk clunk?). Chips of cobalt embed themselves in the bladder wall. I am now permanently totally urinally incontinent. What fun! At 61! Shards get into the blood and harm every organ. My first ortho would not give me a cortisone shot as I explained my increasing pain. He just said, without even examining me, “I’m not giving you a shot. You’re a mess. You’ve got fibromyalgia.” And he walked out.
O eat crow and more crow . . . then after 4 hip ops since 2007, The Lyon Firm drops me from their Multi-District Litigation again S&N because I have the resurfacing and not S&N’s Total Hip Replacement, which has failed as many thousands as have the resurfacings with the same symptoms for each. So my last op was Dec. 1, 2011 and I still hobble around with unequal leg length (denied by my ortho) more than 2 years after the final revisionary surgery. Revisions are hell compared to initial hip replacements. S&Nephew has taken nearly 8 years out of my life as a semi-invalid. Cobalt still poisons me. Still incontinent and semi-invalid. My statute of limitations was up on Dec. 1, 2013, so, plop . . . I’m dropped to fend for myself. No. Corporations like Smith & Nephew are not people. They represent a conspiracy containing many irresponsible people. And there is some evidence to suggest that doctors are paid big time to keep putting these things in us guinea pigs. Anyone who works at S&N is complicit. Come clean and transparent, sneaky folk.
mickey morgan, former dancer cut from her love by S&N
Stephen S. Rodrigues said:
Ok I hear you clearly — and understand this situation very very clearly.
You believe what your believe from your journey and I believe what I from my journey.
Take what I say as a reason to do some research and study that involve all types of pain syndromes and you will see a pattern. If you only read hip related stories you view will only “see” the hip.
I happen to be into alternatives of pain therapy from everything that has been effective in the past 100yrs. I see many failed cases of hip, knee, shoulder, wrist and back surgeries. A few hundred so I have a few thousand office visits to draw from … and from these experiences I have noticed a pattern that is overlooked. Actually the doc in the mid 1900’s were on a path to many ideas that have all been dumped. In the past 5-10yrs they are making a resurgence due to the need.
No matter the cause … miserable pain can be tempered with the ideas and therapies mentioned from my comments. This info is for everyone who has complex pain of any type, be it from toxicity or from avascular necrosis, rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia.
So being in this situation you have 3 options:
Wait for a magic cure or Do nothing.
Do what you have been doing and wait for the cure.
Seek out alternatives pain therapy options while doing one of the above.
If you need idea ask, I have a vast amount of info that will help you to “SEE” differently.
If you just want to beat up on someone to release frustrations … sorry I choose no to help you with that.
mickeypamo said:
O dear Mr. Rodrigues, you must be unhappy to say I was beating up on you. I honor your accomplishments and totally agree about many alternative therapies. As I began my last note: “With respect to Mr. Rodrigues”, in addition, I have a personal story to tell of the direct experience. Thank you for helping all others with your educated experience.
peace always,
mickeypamo said:
Also, I’ve had 10 years alone to do master’s level research. So I know a little about my direct experience. Doctors, well-intentioned, always have a second-hand experience. I think I can speak my truth without hurting anyone, or competing, or causing a stimulating argument. Ain’t interested. I would like to read more of your knowledge . ..
mickeypamo said:
Almost forgot . . . none of this stuff shows up on x-rays. Gotta get MRIs, deeper delving tests to see the pouch.
mickeypamo said:
Reblogged this on Harkness Ballet.
Mary said:
I have to agree with Mickey, I had a MOM hip for nearly 15 years with no issues that I was aware of, then suddenly it became painful, every test under the sun came back negative, I was even led to believe that hip was ceramic on ceramic, as the one done the year before was. When I had a consult I read the doctors request on the blood form which said I had a MOM hip and do cobalt and chromium levels. I was totally gob smacked, so I had the test done. I was told it was normal.
Having had other weird symptoms, like kidney infection numerous bladder infection vision trouble etc. I emailed the pathology and got a report back, my metal levels were indeed high.
I then found someone from here Stuart who put me in touch with a great experienced surgeon in MOM hips, and after having local anaesthetic injected into the hip to make sure it was indeed coming from there, he proceeded to do a revision, I felt better with ink weeks, and had no recurrence of those previous symptoms etc, when he took the hip out the cup was full of metal shards, now this didn’t show up on any X-rays or scans, so just because they say everything is fine is rubbish, you need that implant taken out ASAP. That’s just my little story but others have had a much more horrendous outcome than me,good luck with it. My surgery was done in Brisbane.
mickeypamo said:
Thanks, Mary! Storytelling is healing . . . we’re good listeners
Christine Baker said:
Thankyou everyone for your advice and comments. I will keep you up to date with outcomes. Take care of your helath and lets look forward to accountability of manufacturers.
Andrew Archer said:
Mary – do you know what make/brand/model hip you had?
I’m not sure that Mr Rodriguez’s comments provide anyone who has this problem with any real insights. There’s a place for the groovy guru stuff but it’s probably not on this forum.
Mary said:
No I have no idea sorry. I was just glad to get rid of it. But I guess it’s possible to find out, if I rang my surgeon that did the original surgery. This is not something to messed with these faulty implants cause a tremendous amount Of bone and tissue damage, I was just lucky I found someone to listen to me, that thing would have increasingly gotten worse and leach out more metal into my system, I have had joints for 20 years, so I have a very good idea when one is not functioning as it should, Stuart Cain is a great example of the disastrous things these things can do.
Andrew Archer said:
Thanks Mary – I too am heading for a revision of my Mitch MoM resurfacing of 6 years which is according to all tests a faultless, text book example – but we know when it’s not right – apart from the fact it hurts like hell when I load bear it and all the mysterious ailments since, like you I’m just getting to the point where I can’t wait to have it out. Best of Luck. Regards Andrew
Mary said:
Andrew, let me tell you, I have researched this and feel like I know what I am talking about. 1. These things can be hurting you without you knowing, 2. The only way you are going to get well again and feel like a normal human being, is to get rid of it. You will only get worse not better. So I really wish you the best do keep us up to date with how you are going,.,I am back to doing water aerobics 3 x week, and I recently had a trip to Vietnam climbing over water falls etc, so the best of luck to you.
Stephen S. Rodrigues said:
Morning everyone, I have noticed that some in the UK and Australia are developing parallel therapy treating complex pain syndromes. These MDs, have discarded about 75 yrs of research and IMO are causing harm to a lot of people. The best way to defeat pain and minimize joint replacements it to implement these old school treatments at the beginning of pain so the joints will not deteriorate. This is a proactive idea aimed at the primary muscle.ligament.fascia.tendon aliments. The joint replaced is a result of the primary so if the primary is left untreated could potentially shorten the life of the man made structure.
Here are my references:
1. Gunn Approach to the Treatment of Chronic Pain:
2. Travell & Simons’ Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction:
3. Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia: Trigger Point Management [Hardcover]
Edward S. Rachlin MD FACS (Author), Isabel Rachlin PT (Author), Isabel Rachlin (Author)
4. Ligament and Tendon Relaxation (Skeletal Disability : Treated By Prolotherapy) [Hardcover] George S. Hackett (Author)
5. Pain Procedures in Clinical Practice, 2e by Ted A. Lennard MD, David G Vivian MM BS FAFMM, Stevan DOW Walkowski and Aneesh K. Singla MD MPH (Mar 15, 2000)
6. Backache from Occiput to Coccyx Hardcover – January 1, 1964
by Gerald L. Burke (Author)
7. Intraneural Injections for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis & Control of Pain in Arthritis of the Knee by DiFabio and Pybus. http://arthritistrust.org/books-and-pamphlets/
8. Healing through Trigger Point Therapy: A Guide to Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction by Devin J. Starlanyl, John Sharkey and Amanda Williams (Aug 27, 2013)
9. Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia Syndromes: A Clinical Guide to Diagnosis and Management, 1e by Peter E. Baldry MB FRCP (May 4, 2001)
Oh yes Acupuncture does work and is a valuable tool. Why in the UK/Australia some completely discredit this powerful therapy has to do with outright ignorance.
–The last couple are for lay persons.–
All the about treatments take advantage of the nature innate automatic survival abilities of the human body and follows all the laws of physics, physiology and biology:
#1. Acupuncture or the needles obeys the necessary laws of nature and physics, via Cannon’s laws are reproducible.
#2. Acupuncture or the needles will injure the flesh and muscles to ignite the innate healing cascade which is hundreds of chemical reactions and biological processes.
If anyone want more info just follow my links or ask.
Mary said:
I think you have been side tracked here Stephen Rodrigues, we were talking about the metal toxicity from MOM hips. And with due respect these implants need to be removed. One you have 2 metal surfaces rubbing against each other, you get metal particles being leached into your blood tissue and bone, and this is Extremely dangerous and poisonous, the only cure is to remove the implant with another that does not have metal on metal rubbing.
All these alternatives you are giving will not help these people, it might help other issues, but the original question was about a Birmingham resurfacing,which is metal on metal rubbing,. You will never cure it until it’s out and thrown in the bin.
Stephen S. Rodrigues said:
A few issues that I consider important; please ask questions to clarify. This info is for everyone in chronic pain esp people who are on the edge of considering a replacement.
Myofascial release therapy with hands-on and with needling is very restorative and can help keep your diseased hip/knee/shoulder/back alive, well and functioning enough to control pain and the degrading to extend the life of the joint.
Hip pain and limited mobility may not be in the hip socket proper so the therapy will clarify this better for a more focused and accurate diagnosis. Scans will add data to be considered but control of pain, restoring range of motion and function are prime.
Therapy for an artificial hip is still needed because the original stress into the joint socket may still be present. IF the surgeons does not cut the culprit tight muscles pulling the femur head into the pelvis the powerful contrasting forces of the hip muscles will accelerate degrading.
So in my book, therapy is mandatory for all aches, pains and stiffness of the hip or others joints too.
I have patient who have MoM hips and are doing fine. Why? I have many ideas.
Oh … if you are downunder there are providers who do not believe in hands-on care and thus will confuse the picture. Since the therapy is safe and non-toxic, cost is the only obstacle and if that is the case than that is unethical to limit a therapy to save money.
mickeypamo said:
Thank you, Mr. Rodrigues, for sharing such a mother-lode of info!
Stephen S. Rodrigues said:
See my FB pages … the info will open up to a parallel therapy world that will help you to figure out how to heal. Let others know who are at the beginning of their pain journey so they will not fall in the the all traditional medicine pit.
There are many of us who are alternative minded … I’m just the one who has not given up the battle to educate due to the name calling and naysaying. (yet), it is time consuming too
Thank Earl for his efforts.
John said:
All of her story sounds eerily familiar. In my case I didn’t undergo BHR. Rather I had complete hip replacement. Furthermore, I had a CoP implant. However, her list of complaints are identical to mine. At times I truly wish I had just lived with the OA. Interestingly enough the one common term that resounds throughout Christine’s story, my story and many other’s is DePuy!
John said:
Correction. I meant to say J&J.
Connie Marotta said:
As a BHR victim that had extremely high metal levels, I say there is no healing until the poisonous piece of crap gets out of your body! I had lost a lot of muscle (psydo tumors) and the whole time it was a “silent killer”. No one should ever get a mom hip as they are extremely dangerous to our bodies – our bodies are not made to withstand any kind of metals and yet the BHR had toxic cobalt and chromium! Smith and Nephew are criminals for not giving a darn about the people who’s lives that have been affected by their dangerous hips.
The “alternative therapy” sounds like it would be a great BEFORE getting a hip replacement – because of the pain but, yes, this is a great blog to gain and share information about the dangers of the hips out there (you would think the doctors would know!).
mary said:
they receive far too much money from the companies that’s why they used them.
Emma said:
Hoping all of you suffering find some pain relief.
George Luke said:
Its really sad guys. Hope your are doing great.
Andrew Archer said:
Does anyone have any experience of the Corin mini stem porcelain device – that is what I have been recommended for my revision surgery. It’s a new device that’s sort of a half way house between a resurfacing and a total hip. Thanks and Regards