baseline study, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, DePuy, Food and Drug Administration, groin pain, Health, Hematological malignancy, Hip implants, Hip Replacement, Johnson, Medicine, osteoarthritis, pinnancle, total hip resurfacing
I had a Depuy Pinnacle (MOM) total hip replacement in Dec. 2007 due to osteoarthritis at the age of 56. I was told that metal on metal was the preferred implant since I was young, thin and fit. In fact, this remarkable implant might even last my lifetime!
Eighteen months later, I was diagnosed with level one chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
I had every test imaginable regarding the leukemia and there were chromosomal abnormalities or deletions; however, never having a baseline study, it would be a stretch to say that there were changes.
A friend alerted me to the dangers of cobalt and chromium poisoning in 2012 and I requested the blood test, yet my surgeon did not encourage it as I was not symptomatic with hip issues. Both minerals tested were elevated but I was told they were not dangerously high at the time.
One year later, I requested to have the mineral blood test again so the results would be available for my annual appointment. Levels had risen significantly and I was having groin pain, hip pain and stability issues.
The orignial surgeon suggested a total hip resurfacing at some point, but certainly immediate surgery was not emphasized. I went for another opinion and that surgeon made room in his surgery schedule that week so that the Depuy Pinnancle could be removed.
My question is this: Are there others with metal on metal hip implants who then were diagnosed with blood cancer? I find it more than coincidental, yet when I ask medical professionals they state that there are no definitive studies linking the two.
Related articles
- DePuy Defective Hip Implant Claims | eLocal (elocallawyers.com)
- Hip Replacement Lawsuits (hipreplacementlawsuits.wordpress.com)
- DePuy ASR Hip Implant Lawsuit Filed by Wright & Schulte on Behalf of Texas Man Who Alleges His Serious Hip Injuries Were Caused by Defective Design of ASR Hip Implant (prweb.com)
- Hip Replacement Recall (ehipreplacementrecall.wordpress.com)
- Experts Advise Patients with MoM Hips to Undergo Blood Tests (hothealthnews.wordpress.com)
- Fighting Rare Blood Cancers (23andme.com)
- Lawmakers Mull over Actions for Hip Implant Safety (hipimplantlawyer.wordpress.com)
- The New Design of DePuy ASR Hip (depuyrecall.typepad.com)
- DePuy Hip Replacement Failure Rate (depuyrecall.typepad.com)
- US Drug Watchdog Now Urges All DePuy Pinnacle Hip Implant Recipients To Call Them About A Blood Test To See If This Metal Hip Implant Has Failed-Time Is Of The Essence (prweb.com)
They always say there are no definitive studies between the two!! I have cardiac problems and am waiting for a sleep study to see if I have narcolepsy or sleep apnea. Neurologist says it is more than likely one of them and has nothing to do with my hip! He told me is was my weight whixh is odd because I was bigger than I am now, working full time and a single mum of three before all this and I never had the same problems! They still now have no conclusive answers to confirm or deny anything. I have read studies that have said that about 10-15 years post operatively the chances of being diagnosed with leukeamia are increased xx
This is always the problem, the medical profession are hiding behind the fact that long term clinical studies have not been carried out which would identify the long term medical problems we will suffer in the future.
Here is a list of issues I have to deal with every day:
* severe depression, I have tried to take my own life on two occasions (bipolar)
* pain in my revised hip joint
* pains shooting down the leg with the MoM joint
* chronic headaches
* pains in my lower back
* pains in my chest and sides of my upper body
* loss of flexibility
* inability to walk any distance
* loss of short term memory
* difficulty breathing
* numb hands and feet
* loss of appetite
* failing eyesight
* cannot focus or concentrate
* cannot work anymore
* chronic tiredness
* unusual growths in my testicles and mid section
This list is not everything but I sometimes I have difficulty remembering things.
Like you I find it more than coincidental that I suddenly start suffering these symptoms after having an MoM Hip Replacement.
There must be someone out there who will take this on!!!!!!!!!
However we must keep going to make sure these studies get carried out.
Best regards
You have many of the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism. I know because I had these in 1990.
The loss of short term memory, depression, headaches, numbness, failing eye sight, inability to focus or concentrate, chronic tiredness, unusual growths.
Had all these.
Have your thyroid levels been tested?
Have you consulted a Surgeon regarding your unusual growths? I think at least one biopsy would be appropriate.
Our bodies are just not meant to have these metals in them – no matter which “level” they are. It makes perfect sense that the next stage is lymphoma or leukemia (blood). They don’t have enough studies because it takes so long and we guinea pigs are all the “first” to experience these horrific side affects. So the surgeons really are ignorant and don’t know! Sad.
Several comments have been made on several different articles in regards to high cobalt and chromium levels but no one has indicated what their levels were. What is considered high to people posting? I have heard ranges of 20-220 ppb and that is quite a range. Just curious as I had a revision after my levels elevated to about 73.
Sandy I had my mom hip done 13th July 2004 at the ripe old age of 50, in 2009, 9th July to be precise, I began to feel as you still feel plus a loud screeching noise coming from the hip. GP did x rays and said nothing wrong. 2010 I finally got to see my surgeon who, after examination said it could be quite normal to develop a squeak and that I should really think hard about revision as the recovery time is longer and it is a far bigger operation, however he would do a ct scan and for me to think about it before my next visit. On my next visit he advised that I was indeed very sick and that I needed a revision hip due to what I later found out was extensive metalosis. The revision took place on the 6th July 2010. 9 months post op a very dear friend forced me to go and get my bloods checked as to my knowledge they had never been done. Cobalt reference should be <20 mine 9 months post op 37, Chromium should be <25 mine same time frame 364, I had complained that I was still ill but continued to be fobbed off not only by my surgeon but also GP. I found a new GP who has been great but has no idea what to do! One year ago my Chromium had come down after every 3 months having blood tests to 134 only to go up again to 264 I still have all the symptoms you have except of course being a woman not testicles. I have finally had my doctor refer me to one of the major hospitals in Victoria, Australia. My appointment is tomorrow. I hope they will have answers but I have little faith left.
I had two revision surgeries last year due to pain, metallosis, etc…
Cobalt is now gone, but chromium, after initial decrease, is rising again. The revision appliances contain ceramics. We now find that a major component of the ceramics happens to be chromium. Lose/lose situation.
Some links that may be helpful