arthritis, Cobalt chrome, Cobalt poisoning, Hip Replacement, metal-on-metal hips, Smith & Nephew
Hi everyone
I took down Paige’s page earlier today at the request of her son as he advised that Paige had discontinued her hungers strike on legal advice.
Hopefully there is a solution in sight?
Please change your records to reflect my email address change from EGLarsen@ verizon.net to: I value the circulation and receipt of Earl’s View so please see my correct address is noted. Thanks, Ed
Will do – thanks!
Hi Ed
tried to do it but it seems this amy be something you have to do by setting up a new follow on the site – unfollow and then follow again.
Hopefully a solution in sight. Attorney wanted Paige to end the Hunger Strike to avoid any potential conflicts
Good – hope so!
Could you email me Paige’s medical history as Dr Steven Tower is an expert in cobalt poisoning and would like to review her files to see if he can spot anything obvious. He is an orthopaedic surgeon in Alaska and was himself poisoned by cobalt from a DePuy ASR.
Thanks Earl, for getting this phenomena exposed even for a short time. I really appreciate all the research you have done for us.
mickey morgan
I would like to speak to her attorney and ask their reasoning.
The amazing thing is the tremendous response Paige received, that was great.
Don’t lose sight of the importance of correspondence and information shared.
The pre-emption laws are a bear in the woods and it will take the right defense to change the minds of those who judge.
There is no common sense to this debacle, one would think Smith & Nephew has infringed perhaps broken certain laws resulting in harm of many folks and for that they should be held accountable and punished accordingly including jail time for those responsible for approving a device knowing it’s potential harm. ( including the FDA ) If they use the defense
of not knowing the worse cased scenario’s then they had no business using us as lab rats to see the failure rate exceed e 1%.
Howard Sadwin