Birmingham, Failure rate, Health, Hip Replacement, Medicine, Medsafe, Ministry of Health, NephewSmith, Patient, Radio New Zealand, science, Smith & Nephew, total hip replacements
Radio New Zealand : News : National : Warning issued about hip implant.
Warning issued about hip implant
Updated at 8:45 pm on 4 October 2012
Hundreds of New Zealanders face extra monitoring by their surgeon following the latest withdrawal of a total hip replacement device.
An alert was issued late on Wednesday to all orthopaedic surgeons telling them another metal-on-metal hip replacement is not performing well. It is the fourth such recall in two years.
Total hip replacements using all metal parts are under scrutiny internationally amid worries about loosening, movement and whether tiny pieces of metal may be breaking off and leaking into patients‘ blood.
The latest alert concerns a British-made total hip replacement model known as the Birmingham Hip Modular Head made by Smith and Nephew. Between 250 and 400 New Zealanders have this implant and surgeons say they will contact all patients.
Bryan Thorn, president of the Orthopaedic Association, says it doesn’t matter if a person can’t remember what type of implant they have, as the details are freely available and their surgeon can tell them.
He says if patients don’t hear from their surgeon, they should contact them and should certainly phone if they experience any pain.
The Ministry of Health‘s Medsafe group, headed by Stewart Jessamine, says metal-on-metal implants represent just 10% of all total hip replacements and most last well.
Dr Jessamine says Medsafe is monitoring the situation closely and the latest alert amounted to early intervention by the manufacturer based on a small increase in the failure rate.
He says it does not mean patients will need more surgery, but they will need close follow-up.
However, one patient, Aucklander James Elliott, is renewing his call for a parliamentary inquiry into the use of all such implants by about 1100 New Zealanders.
“With the avalanche that it’s now becoming, I think we’re seeing that perhaps there is something fundamentally wrong with the technology, particularly in terms of metal-on-metal as being the preferred device for longevity for these sorts of prosthetics.”
Mr Elliot is supported by Labour Party health spokesperson Maryan Street, who says an inquiry could prevent similar problems in future.
The Orthopaedic Association says it is not clear yet who will pay for the costs of the latest alert.
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Great post, Earl — oh yes! “And the walls, come tumblin’ down — and the walls, come a-tumbling down…..now….” (John Mellencamp). I also am reminded of “Only the Beginning” by ‘Chicago’ as well (circa 1968 in the US so quite a dated set of lyrics.
I feel better, man — there is a light at the end of the tunnel for us, but I won’t give up the fight until all MoM devices are out of all the bodies they remain in, poisoning away, their micro-metallic bits infesting the blood, flesh and bone of their hosts. This is almost like a horror movie now. Well, for Stuart and Howard, it definitely is, and they’ve said as much.
I need to talk to Stuart on here in a while as well, but this was the latest notifications and first in my mailbox. Absolutely fantastic news for the ‘world’ of MoM victims.
You sir, are a veritable ‘posting machine’!
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Hi Betty
My S&N was replaced with a Zimmer ceramic on ceramic revision system and it is great. A year on now I don’t take any pain killers and don’t even think about it much. Started hitting golf balls again too!
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I called my surgeon’s office only to be put off for months. Last week his nurse tells me he only uses Smith and Nephew. Are all Smith & Nephew metal on metal?
I’ve had pain since day one with the Birmingham Smith & Nephew but this last month has been pure hell. It feels as if it is popping out with normal walking.
Last week my General Practitioner sent my hip X-ray for a reading and it came back as “loosening of implant”. It’s only been 6 years. I have all kinds of aches and pains that are inexplicable and I’m depressed to think I have to go through this surgery AGAIN because companies don’t care and Orthopeadic doctors are in bed with the manufacturers.
I want a lawyer. I want my life back. I want them to pay for my PAIN!
I’m glad I found you! I have two Smith and Nephew Birmingham implants. Are they all metal on metal?
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