Australia, BMJ, Hip Replacement, Johnson, Nephew Smith, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Orthopedic surgery, Smith
Warnings to all metal on metal implant recipients! Don’t miss this!
I hope as readers of Earl’s blog, I am speaking to the converted, however I am asking each and every one of you to do something very important! Please read all of the recently released information from the British Medical Journal (BMJ) very carefully (available on this site).
How safe are metal-on-metal hip implants?
If you still have a metal on metal implant (MOM) in your body, or you have a loved one, friend or acquaintance who does, please investigate its removal as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter if it is a Johnson and Johnson/De Puy, Smith and Nephew, Global Icon, Stryker, or any other company’s MOM device, there is now over-whelming evidence that they are not just technically and fundamentally faulty, but it is also fairly obvious that getting too much truth about these devices from an Orthopaedic Surgeon can be difficult. (Although thankfully there are some surgeons actually standing up now and being counted). Seek a second opinion if you can, trust your family doctor as they seem to be actually supporting many of the people I have spoken to, (maybe no vested interest or guilt are somethings they don’t have to wrestle with). I also implore you to use what ever modes of communication that you have at your disposal to tell anyone who will listen, your experiences, the way this has affected your life (or that of your loved ones) and who was responsible, do not be afraid to mention company names or surgeons.
Here in Australia, we have a professional body called the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA), it’s president is Dr Graham Mercer. After the release of the information that I have asked you to refer to from the BMJ above, our national newspaper, the Australian, reported this in an article the following day: “Australian Orthopaedic Association president Graham Mercer said Australian guidelines recommend annual assessment of patients with the metal-on-metal hips, but blood tests would normally be done only if pain or other symptoms were detected.” (I refer to the recent ruling by the British MHRA regarding compulsory blood testing for all recipients of a MOM implant). Whilst Dr Mercer is speaking as the president of the peak professional body for Orthopaedic Surgeons in this country, I would be interested to know how many people out there actually have had to ‘ask’ for their cobalt or chromium levels to be taken, were warned about the risks of a MOM implant before they were given it, particularly if this occurred after 2005, or, were told that they had to have an annual follow-up for the rest of the time that they had the MOM implant.
Personally I can say I had to demand the test, was not warned about any of the known issues with the MOM implant when I received it in 2007 and was told after the first year that as it had such a good expectancy, that I would only have to be checked if there were any issues directly related to the hip! I wonder Dr Mercer, do you have complete faith that all of your members are indeed following the ‘Australian guidelines’, before you answer this, was Dr Oakeshott of Sportsmed in Adelaide (recently retired) a member of the AOA? I don’t think the many patients he put an ASR in would think now that he followed any guidelines except those that suited his hip-pocket! I would also like all of you who started having problems with your hip, only to be told it was your knee, your back, or anywhere else on your body except your hip, or who suffered any of the other side effects of cobalt/chromium poisoning (kidney complications, immune system disturbances, eye or ear complications, fatigue, headaches etc) that was never related to your implant, to reflect back on the attitude that your Orthopaedic Surgeon took to this before the media storm in September 2010 when Johnson and Johnson/De Puy ‘voluntarily’ recalled (still can’t get my head around the use of this term, what are we cars!!) and whether that changed after this fact. I hope, but feel I may be misplaced, that there were surgeons out there who were honest and up-front, however after speaking to countless people here and overseas, the over whelming response to this was that they were either ‘down-played’ as it was all ‘media hype’, were told not to worry, it isn’t a problem for you, or were recommended to see another surgeon!!
This is no longer just an issue for the Johnson and Johnson ASR patients, as has been stated recently “it may well be the tip of the iceberg”. Although readers of this site will recognise the issues with the Smith and Nephew products, as well as other company’s from the input of so many of you, this needs to be told to the rest of the public who are blissfully unaware. If you are affected in any way by this, please seek trustworthy health and legal advice for your own good! If you have a loved one or friend in these circumstance please implore them to act before their health is irreparably damaged!!
Also, I have been inspired by two gentlemen that this negligent action has brought me in to contact with. Bob Lugton and Howard Sadwin have been through experiences that only a few of us can imagine or understand, but what they have done is to stand up and speak out on behalf of all those who were unable to do so for themselves. I am also very aware that people have died because of this and others who continue to suffer on a minute by minute basis! These companies, the regulators and any surgeon who has knowingly been a part of this terrible medical negligence must be brought to account. Whilst money can always ease suffering and hopefully improve quality of life, it can NEVER replace the damage that has been done and the ruining of so many people’s lives, not just the patients but those close to them as well as my wife will testify. These negligent actions must NEVER be repeated and it is up to us to push for the changes that need to occur to ensure this. The companies need to to learn their moral errors do not go unnoticed, that their amazing profit margins should never come at a human cost, that regulators are indeed here to protect the patient, not rely on the funding of the companies looking for device approval and Surgeons need to remember their basic tenant of “DO NO HARM” and “being an advocate for their patients”, and actually demonstrate the integrity that all too few of them have demonstrated throughout this whole sorry saga.
I would like to recognise Dr Crawford (4 Corners program “joint reaction”) and Dr Tony Nargol (UK Surgeon) for actually being prepared to speak out publicly about this. My surgeon, who has asked me not to mention his name, who has provided me with some rather damning evidence, including photos from during my recent 2nd revision and correspondence he has had with J&J. I know there are other surgeons out there who are genuinely committed to help their patients, I implore you to please don’t be afraid to speak out, educate your colleagues if you have to, but please don’t allow these medical device companies to harm any more patients!
Well, tomorrow is Monday, make sure that you all start the week with new determination, look at the experiences of all those who have suffered through this and continue to fight for the justice we all deserve, for the sake of yourself and everyone who cares for you please look after your health (or what’s left of it in some of our cases) and as Bob, Howard or myself will continue to tell you, this can not ever be allowed to happen to another human ever again, join the fight and make sure that all those guilty parties receive what is coming to them! Have a (hopefully) not too uncomfortable week!!
Stuart Cain
Related articles
- Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants > Concerns about Metal-on-Metal Hip Implant Systems (earlsview.com)
- Press release: MHRA updates advice for metal-on-metal hip replacements : MHRA (earlsview.com)
- US Drug Watchdog Warns There Could 100,000s of Failed Metal on Metal Hip Implants Involving US Hip Implant Recipients and the DePuy ASR was Just the Starting Point – Yahoo! News (earlsview.com)
- Health warning over Metal on Metal hip implants – Telegraph (earlsview.com)
- Metal Hips in Britain Require Longer Monitoring, Regulators Say – NYTimes.com (earlsview.com)
- All-Metal Hip Replacements: Not All Patients Informed of Recall | Qmed (earlsview.com)
- Thouands with metal-on-metal hip implants will need annual checks – WalesOnline (walesonline.co.uk)
- Kiwis told of implant poison risk – Metal on Metal (earlsview.com)
- Michael’s BHR disaster – life in tatters – when will it stop! (earlsview.com)
- Metals from hip replacements present toxic risk for millions, investigation warns – CBS News (cbsnews.com)
dodi cancellieri said:
Dear Stuart Cain, You said it so well for those of us who are struggling with who to believe and trust about our misfortune. I am one who doesnt speek up for themself, and I have been intimidated by doctors. My doctor, insulted my intelligence with my questions for him. For example; I asked , ” Why is it that ALL MoM have not been recalled, they are all the same material? His reply was , It’s like cheese , there are many different kinds, yet they are all considered cheese.How could I sit back and let this happen. Well you have given me the courage to stand up for myself . No longer will I accept any bull shit. sincerely,Dodi
Faris said:
Hello Stuart and Dodi:
I am with you on this, Stuart, and I am in this thing with both feet. I am in the process of gathering information at the advice of an attorney here in the US. I do agree that It is very important for MOM victims to assert themselves with their surgeons, who are not forthcoming — at least not mine. I will get a second opinion from a prominent hip replacement surgeon next week.
Dodi’s reply above is similar to my experience upon my initial return to my surgeon last month, due to excessive pain which was increasing daily. My surgeon wanted to explant the device without hesitation, in less than five minutes time, clearly indicating he knew something I didn’t and I then committed myself to discovering what he knew that I didn’t. For instance, when I asked for his notes on my first X-ray (via secure hospital email:please see below), they revealed that he had seen a ‘possible loosening’ of the acetabular cup. I then got on the Google machine and found Earl’s View — and received a quick but intensive education — and have since been ‘leading’ my reluctant surgeon to confirm for me why there’s such a rush to get this thing out. At that first meeting, he also said “we could do an MRI but it would probably be inconclusive due to the metal artifact”, I said nothing. We closed our conversation with him saying “I’ll have my surgery scheduler call you.”
I went home and sent him a message that said I would like to proceed with his idea of my having an MRI — I had signed up for electronic access to my doctor’s chart notes and test results and so there is a written record of everything between us — and he sent back a message that we could proceed and that he would order the test.
After that MRI (last week), I returned to review it with him and he said there were some ‘anomalies’ in the images, including the sight of many ‘pools’ of fluid surrounding the implant (S&N BHR THA). He shrugged and said it could be any numbers of things, and we could aspirate the fluid but once again suggested I get on the books for revision surgery. I said nothing and left his office. His surgery scheduler called me and I avoided her, and two days later I emailed him a request that we proceed with his comment re:aspiration of the fluid for analysis (I will have this next week). I will then have again have online access to the results and his chart notes, and will have fit one more piece into this puzzle. (I also have all of my X-ray and MRI images here at home on disk with the radiologist’s report, which is typically evasive (due to distortion from my metal artifact, etc., etc., but with much more commentary on the unusual presence of fluids).
I am simply acquiring diagnostic data that will support my pending legal case, which like my revision is imminent. I will get the results from the fluid draw late next week. Though I am not looking forward to a ‘horse’ sized syringe inserted into my very painful groin area, I want these results on file and in writing where I can view them.
Lastly, I am asking for biopsies of the tissue adjacent the prosthesis and will likewise be able to review those results, and most importantly of all for the return of my failed MOM. My attorney has advised me of the importance of retaining this device for independent laboratory analysis, rather then having those trustworthy folks at Smith and Nephew give it a ‘look-see’ and report back with their findings.
They have proven they cannot and will therefore will not be trusted. My attorney has advised me my request should also be handed to my surgeon the day I am prepped for surgery, plus I will have asked for it electronically a day or two before my upcoming revision.
Do not be intimidated by these surgeons, listen to the things they ‘throw out there’ when in their office and sign up for electronic communication regarding your chart and test results. I prefer to wait until I can put in writing my agreement that we should indeed proceed with what he has mentioned ‘might’ be of some value to us.
I am in the US, and I don’t know if you can gain access directly to your hospital and/or surgeon and thereby establish a written record of your ongoing dialog with your health providers in other countries around the world but I suspect you can.
I have also been advised by my attorney to maintain a degree of anonymity until after my surgery and our suit has been filed, hence my usage of but one of my names (I guess that’s the way lawyers are in the states).
Best of luck to all, let us be diligent in our efforts and continuously share here what we discover with one another and other MOM victims, as Stuart suggests. we must not forget to file complaints with any and all relevant regulatory agencies.
I am undeterred in my statement, “The truth will out”, as it is perhaps the one thing that keeps me keepin’ on!
Stuart Cain said:
Hi Dodi, I am glad for you, it is often difficult to stand up for yourself, especially when you are already suffering in the first place! I do have the advantage of working in a hospital, I am a Nurse Educator/Teacher, but even this often doesn’t help, I spent a week in hospital with a ‘snapped’ prosthesis and no-one, not doctors or nurses would talk to me about it until I rang my wife in the middle of the night telling her that I was ‘losing my mind and imagining the pain’, the very next day a simple xray confirmed a snapped titanium stem in my femur, then they all wanted to be my best friend. I can only encourage you to keep standing up for yourself, and the simple thing to do is if your surgeon won’t give you an answer or treats you as anything less that an intelligent human being, get another surgeon’s opinion! Unfortunately by nature, some would say by right, Ortho surgeons seem to have a mightier than thou attitude, I have worked with too many of them not to notice this! However, they also have a reputation that is growing on the negative side in regards to insincerity and lack of integrity when it comes to MOM implants. I believe that the tide is very slowly turning, some are starting to advocate for their patients and actually admit fault with these implants and are campaigning for a better hip! However don’t let any of the ‘other’ side of this group ever treat you poorly and keep standing up for your rights!! Thank you for reading and let me know if I can offer you any more advice in the future! Remember Dodi, it is your body, your health, your life, you have to protect it at all costs!
Stuart Cain said:
Hi Faris,
Good on you!!!! In Australia, we are only just starting to even consider the electronic access to individual’s medical records and health information, it is a way off yet, although I believe some private physicians are already trialling it here. Unfortunately my experience and that of others in anything to do with hip implants, Orthopaedic Surgeons, National Regulators, Politicians, the AOA, Johnson and Johnson, De Puy, Smith and Nephew, Law firms, Journalists or any combination of the above, in this country at least, means you will constantly struggle for genuine information or truth unless you are willing to stand your ground and demand it!! I can only commend you on your approach to this and hope that you get a speedy and positive resolution and that Birmingham is removed without further delay!! Please keep me informed as to your progress and I look forward to hearing more of your experiences as they develop. Kind regards, Stuart
Pamela drew said:
My name is pamela drew in 2004 at the age of 39 I had hip researfacing at the birmingham orthapeadic hospital england.and I ve been unwell ever since,i have suffererd burning skin rashes like sunburn,nausia,blurred vision,migraines,all over body pain ,chronic fatigue,and worse of all the complete loss of all my hair I have been told always that my symptoms are nothing to do with the implant.i thought I would reply I think everyone who has suffered should protest against this in the same way the breast implants people did you could count me in!!
earlstevens58 said:
Hi Pamela
unfortunately it seems no one is wanting to own up to this – but your symptoms do sound a lot like cobalt poisoning – have you had blood tests and scans etc?
Faris said:
Hi All,
I just wanted to say that my cobalt and chromium were within tolerable levels, and I had two labs perform these tests to be sure. In my BHR MOM THA (not the BHR resurfacing), we know the prosthesis is comprised of mostly of the oxidized element Zirconium (with 2.5 wt% niobium), becoming the metallic alloy (Zr-2.5Nb). Niobium with oxygen and heat strengthen zirconium, leading then to oxidization to form ceramic–Zirconia (zirconium oxide).
I am in the process of trying to obtain a source for a blood test concerning this alloy or evidence of the element Zirconium in my bloodstream, and I will post those results ASAP (I am having difficulty finding a lab to perform this test in this endeavor).
We are dealing with a different ‘animal’ in the BHR Oxinium, and could discover we have a new poisoning comprised of this ‘wonder’ alloy. My aspirated fluid next week should provide us some insight toward that end.
I remain steadfast in my resolution to expose what S&N have done not only to my body but the bodies of others. Stay tuned for further broadcasts on this channel!
earlstevens58 said:
if you search on my earlier blogs and some of the pages you will see I covered Oxinium in some detail with a high degree of skepticism. The key reason is the chemistry – oxidized zirconia is well know to be be toxic to osteoblasts which are the basis of bone growth. This toxicity issue is localized from my understanding, unlike cobalt which gets into the circulatory system.
Faris said:
OK Earl,
I’ll look around and try to find it (will the search engine work)? I forgot you were a biologist/chemist doctor — awesome! Does this mean that since we’re talking of a localized toxicity we won’t see it migrate from the tissue adjacent the MOM implant to the bloodstream, explaining why I’m having such trouble obtaining a blood test? Is the test then necessary to bolster my case against the bastards?
Thanks man, I’m on it –
Janice Price said:
Hello Earl,
My name is Janice, I had a metal hip put in at the age of 33yrs. It is a swiss make Spartona. I had a revision after first year, due to minor fall.
The hip has been in now 21 years. I am so ill, I have been suffering for the past 10 years, with Abdominal pain, lost 23kgs in weight, due to abdominal pain ,everytime I eat. I get dreadful chest pain, I have seen so many Doctors ,I cant count. Many have told me its in my head.
I always knew there was something very wrong, but no one could find out. I also have had wonderful Doctors, who have believed that something was wrong, but did not know what.
I now have bladder problems and Neuro problems nerve pain, very forgetful, balance problems, I have been diagnosed in London as Un diagnosed Syndrome,. In 2006 I had an celiac arotic bypass, as they thought I had lack of blood supply to the bowel.
I am afraid wrong diagnosis.
I am in South Africa, just getting more and more side effects. So when I saw Sky News last weekend, I couldnt belive ,what I was seeing! But then again, it just proved ,what I knew all, this time, I was getting sicker and sicker, but not knowing the cause. So now I know, I have no idea, what to do first? any ideas would be much appreciated
yours Sincerely
Janice Price
earlstevens58 said:
Hi Janice
it does sound like metallosis – and the poisoning associated with it. Are you able to get cobalt and chromium blood tests?
Have you had a recent X-Ray ?
21 years is very long time anyway and it may be that a replacement is 5 – 10 years overdue?
I don’t know any good surgeons in RSA – you may need to ask around or perhaps one of the Blog readers will know?
I will see what I can find out.
Howard Sadwin said:
Stuart, well written story. Now the work you, Earl and others are doing is beginning to reach out to the many of us that so desparatey are in need of re: their hip problems. A nucleus of energy and people willing to help is quickly forming.
I would suggest to all hip victims, even if it is the last thing you want to do, take pictures, videos, to show the public how the quality of your life has been permanently impaired, and we have even delt with the unkowns, cancer,liver,kidney,heart problems caused from these bad hips and poor materials chosen for the devices.
I also would ask your surgeons to provide you with any written information re: MOM hips and their manufacturers. They may or may not provide this information.
I believe in giving people the benifit of the doubt; in this matter I believe there are many surgeons that provided us with the best devices on the market at the time, and these surgeons new only what the device people wanted them to know. I also are of the impression these device companies kept information from the public, including most doctors. Remember in the medical device world Market Share,Finances, Rate of returns to the investors is their primary concern.
Keep up the great work, as you wello know there is plenty to go; especially while the legal world anxiously awaits discovery.
Howard Sadwin
jackie anderson said:
I am so happy to hear you speak for everyone, because there are so many of us, sad and so crazy. I will be having my revision on friday morning, scared, nervous and cant believe I am going through this ALL OVER again! Hurts my heart to know what all I will miss out on yet AGAIN, due to this next surgery. I have had my MOM for ALMOST 2 years. Colbalt and Chromeum levels are elevated and pain everyday, my levels are not as high as some but nevertheless, elevated and they only go up as long as this THING is in my body!! Also cadaver bone will be placed around my femur and wrapped with metal bands. My NEW surgeon says ” you have a huge peice of metal” and your bones are small and your body cannot handle this” Hes a specialist in his field and have not heard 1 bad word about him, he did not push me at all, just told me it needed to come out, and waited on me to say the word. Also says he is taking stem cell and putting it where the cadaver bone will go to help heal faster/better??
I have just decided to wait and see what all the doc says/see’s during surgery before I take the next step. BUT I do agree with the fact that we all need to made a stand, this has to stop. It is only hurting people in my opinion. From the moment this entered my body, downhill from there. I was told it wold last 15-20 years, NO talk of metal in my bloodstream or anything close. i had NO idea or….I would have NEVER put myself or more so LET THE DOC put me in this position. I have and still are wasting time that I would love to spend playing with my 8 grandchildren, fishing with my hubby or just outside working in my yard (without grinding) and without pain. I pray for ALL who have gone through any and all issues and I pray it ALL is made to come to a skreatching halt!!! There has got to be better ways to make money, treat patients, and make patients well w/o MOM, I know as of Friday, I will be on my way to getting all of this mess out of my body, Thank God
Howard Sadwin said:
Good luck Jackie, when you are up to it contact me at your convienience Howard Sadwin ( )
Be strong, be well, I and a lot of people our here for your support.
Faris said:
One of the most important things about finding this site was recognizing that I wasn’t going crazy. Since no one I knew had experienced this metal-on metal nightmare, family and friends didn’t seem to believe me, or they were at the least tired of hearing from me about — ‘the hip’ — yet again.
There are an awful lot of people like me around here, and this is a support system I needed at this precise moment. I thank Earl for providing such a forum, this being the only place I can talk about what is real — about my crisis and to other MOM hip victims (No explanations required here). I personally want to contribute what I can to see justice in the matter, for the prosthetic manufacturers are truly egregious in their violations, those where human beings actually were the trial lab w/o being told so.
One for all and all for one. We must persevere, and I’ll do my small part to help.
Pingback: Howard Sadwin’s Suffering from Metal-on-Metal Hip Implant | Mesh Medical Device Newsdesk « Earl's View
rschmuck@cogeco.ca said:
I am sitting in my family room with my friend Bob in Canada. He is planning to give up golf this year and have his hip replacement done, with his recuperation he will be out of commission until Sept. I will have to find a new partner, enough about my friend, except I am trying to get him to get a second opinion. What do you think.
Now lets talk about my condition. I am fighting a condition with my walking from arthritis,it has been getting worse over the past 4 years and I am trying all kinds of natural solutions and topical applications ,some lessen the pain but no lasting improvement , as you know this is very costly,I am needing a cane on my bad days.Now that I am 80 my healthotherwise is ok, I only take 1 prescribed drug for my rosacia, and that is taken only when I have an eruption on my hose.
To give you an idea what I am taking here is a list
1 Glucosimine 2500 a day
2 2 Tyalnol arthritis a day
3 1 500mg vitamine for over 50
4 1Green black white tea pill for my weight
All this is natural I believe, now there is this natural medicine frome China which is advertised on this web page which I will look into.
My question to you is this I am shit scared to go under the knife I am hopeing that some one comes up with a cure for arthritis before I leave this earth, I hope to golf this summer,but I am slowing up slowly
What advice can you give or direct me to before I too go to the butchers tablr
Robert Schmuck
Jill Cleggett said:
The BUTCHERS table-is the most apt descroption I have ever heard. Sadly orthopaedic world remain a “Law unto themselves, and WILL NOT ADMIT to anyhting. I am on this blog also, in many differing aspects of the entire debacle, into the 8th Year, of a Lifestyle STOLEN OVERNIGHT. I only wish their were more ‘out there. specifically in New Zealand, where our
ACC Insurance system, just dont want to know. Not only battling the surgeons,
and surgical Team, with an suited implant for my body size and shape, with
ALL the side affects suffered, that is mentioned in nearly every postings on this site, and other medical sites.
Too small acountry-to be able to find, an honest Orthpoedixc specialist.
I was left maimed, diabled, with high toxicology results,with side affects now known, from BONE CEMENT, when specifically requested NO CEMENT (
All this has affected excellent general health, and now suffer from ‘bone disease, renal anaemia,Multiple nerve, tissue and muscle atrophy (from the good physique of a lifetime dance. Blurred vision, haand tremors were noted IMMEDITELY, complete hair los
TNA. TMJ, and the onset of hypotension
from excellent bp. This and more,is written up on this site. Earl approached me, and its been an going,steady pursuing of TRUTH from then on. Little NZ STILL, Has its head in the sand. The stress is high, the pain, and limping 10/10. A shell of myself, all because of the greed, of the Orthopaedic fraternity, that have so much to answer to. Anyone else in NZ
that wishes to get in touch, can do so, and together we can forge ahead.
Another Review pending in few weeks, where can present TRUTH/FACTS at last.
Even my local gp’s DO NOT WANT TO KNOW.
Great hospital specilaist assistance, but bulk of truth, has come from one whistleblower, and at last proove ganied.
Thank you Earl, and evryone’s stories on this blog. Agree with Stuart-we all need to make everyone AWARE. it could be then next. Bitter, angry battered, br
but positivity to see TRUTH and FACTS out there, and hold those accountable, tthat should be (but are NOT) facing up to reality of ‘what has happened’
Biggest disaster of the last decade.
Jill.NZ (contact details available after
30th April)
Faris said:
Dear Robert:
I want to answer your question, and please don’t be offended by my attempting to do so, because I am not Howard. But I am an arthritis sufferer, and I have had one knee replaced three times, and now I’m told my metal-on-metal hip must be revised, which is really a ‘sugar-coated’ surgical term for “we have to yank it out of you because it has and is making you much worse than you were before you had it ‘installed’”. Even at 58 years of age, I know all too well what this involves, and it kicks the crap out of a human being for a while (or a lifetime). Your age would make your own rehab and recovery much more difficult than mine, a man 22 years your junior.
By God man, do not let any orthopod — I like to refer to them now as Bonesmiths — put anything in your body without a long period of research and consideration of all available forms of remedy on your part. You’ve made it to eighty without climbing on their table, and now would be the worst possible time to begin! Please, try every alternative cure for your condition, whether that be acupuncture and/or acupressure, homeopathy, Reiki, Qigong, etc. Whatever you do or try, stay out from under the knife for for as long as you possibly can.
I got a second opinion on my failing hip just today, and was told by that surgeon to get the metal-on-metal (MOM) hip out as soon as I can. He told me a hip horror story about a woman who has suffered like Howard has, and both stories are a nightmare to me. I’m living my own nightmare of late, and that’s my having to have this hip replacement replaced in less than three years time.
I have thoughts that depress me, mostly when I reflect on my personal ordeal, and the worst thought is the one where I see myself never having allowed these Bonesmiths to take their saws, hammers, chisels and drills out and use them on my bones. I know I’m not helping myself when I choose to focus on what I now consider my huge mistake (What’s that thing they say about hindsight)? I’m only writing this so you won’t possibly make the same one, thereby avoiding such regretful thoughts entirely.
I’m not a doctor, so I can’t comment on what you’re taking and such. I’m just advising caution as you proceed with your investigation of what best suits your aliment. I have more pain in me now where there is metal, much more than I did before these cold, inanimate foreign bodies where placed in my own.
Good luck sir –
Howard Sadwin said:
Faris, the different severity levels of this living in hell, MOM nightmare, is a horror for anyone to endure. Even if the aftermath is successful, and I truely hope it is for those going through revision,replacement, resurfacing. The list of bad things we endure is too long to publish. However, the fact that you, me and other people are reaching out to help others is great. i hope your suffering subsides and you continue to be supportive to those who still don’t even know there is a problem, they may think it is just them or this normal, etc.
Be strong, be well, be safe
Howard Sadwin
Faris said:
Howard, it’s nice to meet you, even though were on opposites coasts of the US (Oh wait, you’re actually on the Gulf side — I think). That’s probably the best thing about the net for me, that you can converse with another person instantaneously, across a great divide. And in talking with one another about the horror movie that this undeclared experiment hath wrought, we are getting and receiving what we need. The list, as you say, is so long that I personally am incapable of covering all of the toxic topics.
And so here we are reaching out to one another — anyone who visits and/or posts on this site is instantly included — and more and more people have a resource they can rely upon when in crisis due to the ‘Great Failure of The MOM Hip Experiment’. I will always speak freely of all that is happening to me, (I can’t yet summarize the whole thing, because I don’t have a revision surgery date), but I will submit my report once I’ve endured this hellish process again. Humans shouldn’t have to ‘endure’ a cure, if you think about it for a moment. For that reason alone I can be counted upon to speak up, and will let everyone I know what dangers lurk in MOM hips. I just cannot and will not give up my fight until justice is meted out.
These manufacturers are simply ruining the lives of people who ‘trusted the doctor’, as I was taught from around 1958 onward. I trusted them, and FIRST they did great harm, to me and thousands upon thousands of other trusting people. I now have trouble believing anything they say, and I want others to learn from our mistakes and perhaps benefit from them. Note to every MOM victim across the world: make sure you file a complaint with whatever regulatory agency in your part of the world, that public agency that is there to protect you from the very harm you and I have now suffered. That’s what I hear you saying, Howard, and that’s where I’m coming from.
I would blame the marketing departments of Depuy, Zimmer, Smith and Nephew, et al. Yet I still have a problem with my surgeon being ‘snowed’ by slick PowerPoint presentations, and demonstrations of the newly approved (510k) MOM THA — because it looked and functioned similarly to other designs! (“Now that was easy emough, wasn’t it”? [a conversation overheard at S & N boardroom]).
I guess we can say that in the US the FHA totally let us down, by allowing such a perfunctory approval process (“Yeah, FHA guys, this baby has done a million cycles on a hip simulator with little to no wear at all, just a tiny bit of metal ‘debris’”! The reason I bring up the FHA is because they did not require that much more rigorous standards be met under the PMA (Pre-Market Approval) process. The PMA process looks at everything they’re presented with as if it were a new product — it can’t just slide through under the 510k rubber stamp (“Yes, this is the FDA, and we got your letter, and — well — we are in complete agreement with what you stated on the piece of paper you sent us. Go ahead and sell it!
Three months after that letter (I have truly seen the FHA page of the very request to allow the sale of the BHR THA by S$N (was that a mistake?!). The BHR itself was approved under the PMA, but not the BHR THA. But even under the PMA, the BHR itself had no useful place in anyone’s hip. Ions be ions, and I prefer the particle disease (osteolysis) involving Polyethylene. At least those microscopic particles only permeate your bones and create ‘benign bone cysts’ (how can any lesion in your bone that requires grafting be considered benign)?
So everyone hang tough, because one way or another we’ll get through this. I’m just not going to stop talking and/or writing about it, because from my perspective the ‘jig is up’ with the charade fully exposed for what it is. I’ll be here from time to time until my revision, which will probably be within a month. Then I’ll come back after a month or so (who knows?), and continue with what I’m doing now.
As Earl has put it, “each of us possesses a valuable part of the whole; together we are more, apart we are less”.
Pingback: Stuart’s Story – Gets Worse – Beware Metal on Metal Hell « Earl's View
Pingback: Stuart’s Open Letter to Dr Graham Mercer, president of the AOA « Earl's View
Pingback: Smith and Nephew payments to 236 Sugeons & Institutions in the USA « Earl's View
Pingback: 40′s Woman Ruined by Smith & Nephew Hip Implant « Earl's View
Pingback: Interests of patients lost in failure of hip implants « Earl's View
Pingback: S&N tries to fade out of Metal on Metal QUIETLY… Smith & Nephew Voluntarily Withdraws Hip Component « Earl's View