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Huddersfield patients affected by faulty hip replacements face more surgery – Local West Yorkshire News – News – Huddersfield Examiner.

Huddersfield patients affected by faulty hip replacements face more surgery

Huddersfield Daily Examiner, Dec 28 2011

HIP replacement patients are being warned about a faulty product which has been hit with a worldwide recall.

And around 10,000 British patients with the faulty hip are in line for a share of a billion dollar payout.

Patients are currently taking legal action and Huddersfield-based solicitor Aisha Ahmed is acting for local patients who face revision hip replacement surgery.

She said one client, who had his hip replaced in 2007, started experiencing problems this summer.

Miss Ahmed explained: “He went to see his GP complaining of symptoms in the groin area. His GP sent him for a X-ray and there was a loosening of the joint.

“He was referred back to the hospital and the surgeon sent him for scans and told him the product was faulty and was subject to a recall due to the number of failure cases.

“It was the first time the patient was aware of this.”

The metal DePuy ASR XL acetabular system total hip replacement and the ASR hip resurfacing system have been used in more than 93,000 hip replacement surgeries worldwide, including 10,000 UK patients.

They were used in British patients from 2003 until last summer.

Data shows that 12% of patients with the ASR resurfacing device and 13% with the total hip replacement experienced problems.

The British Orthopaedic Association say that on average the hips will fail in 49% of cases after five years, compared with an average failure rate of 2.9%.

Symptoms, including swelling and difficulty walking, were caused by loosening of the replacement and fractures where the bone around the implant broke or dislocated.

The ASR implant was used at 108 hospitals and 69 NHS Trusts in 2009, including at the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust.

Miss Ahmed added: “When you go for hip replacement surgery you are told it is guaranteed for 10 to 15 years,” the Huddersfield solicitor said. “For many patients it is a daunting experience to face revision surgery this may be worrying for them.

“Patients won’t ask for the manufacturer of the product before they have surgery – we have such a high level of trust in the medical profession you just wouldn’t think to ask for the product name of the hip replacement.”

A spokeswoman for the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust said: “The DePuy recall was 16 months ago in August 2010 and since then any patients affected have been seen, reviewed and, where appropriate, action has been or is being taken.”

Johnson and Johnson’s orthopaedic branch DePuy has issued the worldwide recall and set aside nearly $1billion to deal with the issues. They have a team dealing with medical treatment, costs and associated expenses.

If you think you are affected by the faulty hip product then call Armitage Sykes on 01484 538121.

Read More http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/local-west-yorkshire-news/2011/12/28/huddersfield-patients-affected-by-faulty-hip-replacements-face-more-surgery-86081-30019819/2/#ixzz1hvLSr6y6
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