Australia, Femur head, Health, hip, Hip fracture, Hip Replacement, hip resurfacing, Osteoporosi
The problem of osteoporotic hip fracture in Australia
Source: Australian Government – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
My View:
The staggering thing about this is the rate is about half of the number of hip replacements done each year in Australia!
If these rates translate internationally then there is a phenomenal rate of osteoporotic damage occurring each year with little or no comment.
Admittedly the average is high – but that does say a lot about the care of the aged amongst us. And for many this is the final straw that leads to loss of independence and ultimately the downward spiral in terms of health.
Key points
- The age-adjusted incidence rate of osteoporotic hip fracture in Australia decreased over the 10 years to 2006–07, by 14% among males and by 20% among females. However, the actual number of cases continued to increase in both sexes due to population growth and aging.
- There were an estimated 16,518 osteoporotic hip fractures among Australians aged 40 years or over in 2006–07 (175 per 100,000 persons). Almost three-quarters of these occurred in females, who on average were aged 83 years (compared with 81 years for males).
- Around 1 in 9 people hospitalised with the principal diagnosis of osteoporotic hip fracture in 2006–07 were discharged to a residential aged care service, where this had not previously been their place of residence.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians were much more likely than other Australians to be hospitalised for an osteoporotic hip fracture. They were also on average much younger at the time of their fracture.
- Osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures can be prevented through lifestyle changes and by taking action to reduce the risk of falls.
- Males in particular may benefit from increased attention to hip fracture prevention.
Here is the full publication:
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